绝望主妇 | 精讲:太咸、太淡、烧焦、夹生都怎么说?

绝望主妇 | 精讲:太咸、太淡、烧焦、夹生都怎么说?

2018-05-09    11'51''

主播: 英语101

812 45

Scene 1 NARRATOR: Susan Meyer, who lives across the street, brought macaroni and cheese. Her husband Carl always teased her about her macaroni, saying it was the only thing she knew how to cook, and she rarely made it well. It was too salty the night she and Carl moved into their new house. It was too watery the night she found lipstick on Carl&`&s shirt. NARRATOR: She burned it the night Carl told her he was leaving her for his secretary. Scene 2 SUSAN: Oh, I wouldn&`&t eat that if I were you. MIKE: Why? SUSAN: I made it, trust me. MIKE: I just refuse to believe that anybody can screw up macaroni and cheese. MIKE: Oh my god. How did you? it tastes like it&`&s burnt and undercooked. SUSAN: Yeah, I get that a lot.