破产姐妹 ♥ “文艺装逼犯”英语怎么说?

破产姐妹 ♥ “文艺装逼犯”英语怎么说?

2018-07-16    12'40''

主播: 英语101

7914 76

S01E05 Hipsters in Williamsburg will pay for anything 威廉斯堡的嬉皮可舍得花钱了 if it makes them feel like they're in on something new 只要他们觉得活动够潮 no one else knows about. 玩完后还能装逼就行 All you need's a gimmick. 有个能吸引目光的卖点就行了 if it makes them feel like they're in on something new 只要他们觉得活动够潮 no one else knows about. 玩完后还能装逼就行 All you need's a gimmick. 有个能吸引目光的卖点就行了 Dudes! 伙计们 Can we ride your horse? 我们能骑骑你的马吗 Sure. 100 bucks. 可以 一百块 Okay. I got to go to the ATM. 好的 我去趟自动提款机 Wait. Stay right there. We'll be right back. 等等 别走 我们会回来的 Oh, my God. 天啊 Max, we are literally looking our gift horse in the mouth. 麦克斯 我们还真是忽视了这匹马的价值 We have something that's better than an '80s disco party. 我们有比八零年代迪斯科派对更棒的主题 We have a horse. 我们有匹马 If we throw a big enough party, 如果我们举办一场大型派对 charge hipsters for horse rides, 向每一个骑马的嬉皮收费 we could pay off your student loan! 我们就可以还清你的学生贷款了 Max, I've got this. 麦克斯 这事交给我吧 I'm a brilliant event planner. 我可是个天才活动策划人