【老友记精讲】303:有了孩子还要男人干嘛 the baby plan

【老友记精讲】303:有了孩子还要男人干嘛 the baby plan

2018-08-14    22'15''

主播: 英语101

12363 109

Scene 1 ROSS: What are you talking about? MONICA: I&`&m talking about me having a baby. ROSS: What? RACHEL: Are you serious? MONICA: I asked myself, what is the most important thing to me in the world and that&`&s when I came up with the baby plan. ROSS: Well, aren&`&t you forgetin&`& something? What, what, what is uh, what is that guy&`&s name? Dad! MONICA: It took me 28 years to find one man that I wanna spend my life with, if I have to wait another 28 years then, I&`&ll be 56 before I can have a baby, and that&`&s just stupid. CHANDLER: That, that&`&s what&`&s stupid. MONICA: I don&`&t need an actual man, just a couple of his best swimmers. And there, there are places you can go to get that stuff. Scene 2 MONICA: Okay, he&`&s 6&`&2", 170 pounds, and he describes himself as a male Geena Davis. CHANDLER: You mean there&`&s more than one of us. ROSS: Look, you can&`&t do this Mon. All right, if you do this, I&`&m, I&`&m gonna, I&`&m, I&`&m gonna..... MONICA: You&`&re gonna what? ROSS: I&`&m gonna tell Mom. RACHEL: Honey, I&`&m sorry, but he&`&s right. I love you, but you&`&re crazy. ROSS: Crazy. MONICA: What?! Why? Why is this crazy? So this isn&`&t the ideal way to something.... ROSS: (interrupting her) Oh, it&`&s not the ideal way... MONICA: Lips moving, still talking. I mean it may not be ideal, but I&`&m so ready. No, I-I-I see the way Ben looks at you. It makes me ache, you know? MONICA: Okay, all right, how&`&s this? 27. Italian-American guy. He&`&s an actor, born in Queens. Wow, big family, seven sisters, and he&`&s the only....boy. (they all turn and look at Joey) Oh my God, under personal comments: &`&New York Knicks, rule!&`& JOEY: Yeah, the Knicks rule! MONICA: Joey, this is you! JOEY: Let me see. (goes over and looks at the form) Oh, right. RACHEL: When did you go to a sperm bank? JOEY: Well, right after I did that sex study down at NYU. (to Chandler) Hey, Remember that sweater I gave you for your birthday? CHANDLER: And that&`&s how you bought it? JOEY: Noooo, that&`&s what I was wearing when I donated. I&`&m kinda surprised there&`&s any of my boys left. MONICA: Well, honey, it is pretty competitive. I mean I&`&ve got an actual rocket scientist here. JOEY: Maybe, I should call this place and get them to put my &`&Days of Our Lives&`& gig on here. You know, juice this puppy up a little. Scene 3 JOEY: Hey. MONICA: Hey. JOEY: Where you going? MONICA: To the bank. JOEY: Sperm or regular? MONICA: Sperm. JOEY: So you&`&re really doing this, huh? MONICA: Oh yeah, picked a guy, 37135. JOEY: Sounds nice. MONICA: &`&Fraid so. Brown hair, green eyes... JOEY: No kiddin&`&, hmm. MONICA: What? JOEY: No, I-I figured you would&`&ve picked a blond guy. MONICA: Really? Why? JOEY: I don&`&t know, I just always pictured you ending up with one of those tall, smart blond guys, name like.... Hoyt. MONICA: Hoyt? JOEY: It&`&s a name, yeah. I saw you, you know, in this great house with a big pool. MONICA: Really, is he a swimmer? JOEY: He&`&s got the body for it. MONICA: I like that. (Joey starts laughing) What? JOEY: You guys have one of those signs that says: &`&We don&`&t swim in your toilet, so don&`&t peein our pool.&`&, you know. MONICA: We do not have one of those signs. JOEY: Sure you do, it was a gift from me. Oh! And you have these three great kids. MONICA: Two girls and a boy? JOEY: Yeah! MONICA: And, and, and they wear those little water wings, you know. And they&`&re, they&`&re running around on the deck. Then Hoyt wraps this big towel around all three of them. JOEY: Sure! (Monica gets very depressed) But hey, you know this way sounds good too. MONICA: Yeah. JOEY: Oh Monica.