

2018-05-26    06'22''

主播: Nerdie

24 0

13. Do you think people can be trained to work more efficiently? (Why?/ Why not?) 你认为人们通过培训可以提高工作效率吗?(为什么?) Yes. I think staff training is extremely important nowadays. You see, technologies keep changing and if employees get regular training, they would be able to work more efficiently. It’s the competence of the workforce that sharpens the competitive edge of the company. 是。我认为如今员工培训非常重要。你看,技术在不断变化,如果员工定期接受培训,他们就能够更有效地工作。正是员工的能力提高了公司的竞争优势。 Extremely: 极度,极其地 Technology: 技术,工艺 Regular: 定期的,有规律的 Competence: 能力,胜任 Workforce: 劳动力,全体员工 Sharpen: (使)变锋利,增强,加强 Competitive: 有竞争力的 Edge: 优势,边缘 Cutting-edge: 先进的,尖端的