这没什么 It's Okay

这没什么 It's Okay

2020-12-14    03'35''

主播: 简夷

690 9

It’s Okay 这没什么 It‘s okay to be afraid of the things we don’t understand. It‘s okay to feel anxious when things aren’t working our way. It‘s okay to feel lonely even when you are with other people. It’s okay to feel unfulfilled because you know something is missing. (even if you are not sure what it is) It‘s okay to think and worry and cry. 对我们未知的事物感到恐惧, 这没什么。 在事情不如我们所愿时感到不安, 这没什么。 和许多人在一起时仍觉得孤独, 这没什么。 总觉得缺失了什么(即使不确定失的是什么)而感到不完整, 这没什么。 会思考,会忧虑,会哭泣, 这没什么。 It’s okay to do whatever you have to do, but just remember, too, that eventually you are going to adjust to the changes life brings your way, and you‘ll realize that It’s okay to love again and laugh again, and it‘s okay to get to the point where the life you live is full and satisfying and good to you, and it will be that way because you made it that way. 去做你不得不为之的事, 这没什么。 只是记着, 你终会适应,生活予你的种种变数。 你终会明白, 试着再去爱,再去笑, 是可以的。 你会拥有充实,美好,你想要的生活, 这没什么 , 你的生活就该是那个样子, 因为你, 是这一切美好的缘由。