361 / 有了小孩如何保持高效率 - Immediately Become A Productive Parent

361 / 有了小孩如何保持高效率 - Immediately Become A Productive Parent

2020-07-09    27'09''

主播: i大狗熊

8452 63

学会这一招,当了爹妈的你也可以马上成为高效率人士! 很多为人父母的朋友,特别是新晋父母,都会纠结一个问题:有了小孩时间不够用啊,连基本效率都谈不上,更别说是高效率了。如何提高个人的效率呢?过来人大狗熊教你一招,不玩虚的,马上可以提升你的效率,每天都可以有做完的亮点事件(highlight)! Many parents are struggling on being productive while their kids stealing all of their personal time. In this short video, I shared my tip of being a productive dad. It's quite simple: plan your highlight of the day, and block 1-2 hours on your calendar, then 100% focus your energy on that block.