亲子英文(13) - School Sports Day is on this Saturday.学校的运动会在这个星期

亲子英文(13) - School Sports Day is on this Saturday.学校的运动会在这个星期

2017-12-28    03'26''

主播: 老虎工作室

408 13

欢迎订阅微信公众号“老虎小助手”,进入右下角菜单“会员中心”,收听本专辑完整音频,以及超过一万个中英文有声学习资源哟! 亲子英文(13)School Sports Day is on this Saturday.学校的运动会在这个星期六。 What kind of sports do you like?意思是你喜欢的运动是什么?有些运动看的人多,玩的人少,比如世界杯足球“The World Cup”或是baseball棒球,如果你问Do you play baseball?你玩棒球吗?可能得到的答案是“No, I just like to watch.”没有,我只是喜欢看而已。 爸爸也可以问问孩子会什么运动,What kind of sports can you play?意思是你会玩什么运动?也可以问Do you know how to play basketball?你知道怎么打篮球吗?如果孩子不知道,爸爸就可以大显身手啦“Let me show you how to play it.” Dad: Janny,what day is the Sports Day? Jenny: It’s on this Saturday. Dad: Where is it being held? Jenny: It’s in the Sports Center at our school. Dad: Are you in any competitions for Sports Day? Jenny: I can run fast.Dad,you should come to see me. Sports Day是运动会。 Sports Center运动中心,还有可能在操场playground. Competitions指比赛、竞赛,还有game,match都是竞赛的意思。 This Saturday 还可以替换成the following Saturday. 对话中held是hold的过去式,这里是举行的意思,另外一个可以表示举行的是to take place,要注意它的主语一定要用事物,例如When does the ceremony take place?典礼何时举行,也可以这样说:When will the ceremony be held?