亲子英文(49) - Let's go exercise.我们去运动吧。

亲子英文(49) - Let's go exercise.我们去运动吧。

2018-03-22    06'00''

主播: 老虎工作室

182 2

欢迎订阅微信公众号“老虎小助手”,进入右下角菜单“会员中心”,收听本专辑完整音频,以及超过10000+中英文有声学习资源哟! 亲子英文(49)-Let's go exercise.我们去运动吧。 邀请孩子一起去运动的说法,可以这么说哦!Let’s go exercise.或者,Do you want to play basketball tomorrow?表示明天要不要一起打篮球? 如果大人提议去骑自行车,问孩子要不要一起去,可以说,I’d like to ride a bicycle .Do you want to join me ? Dad: Jenny, you’re too lazy. You should do some exercise. See, you’re getting fat. Jenny: Dad, it’s raining outside. D: That is your excuse. J: All right, all right ,I will go swimming with Peter this afternoon. D: Not just today. Go exercise everyday! Excuse作名词是借口,也可以作动词,比如Excuse me. With …是和某人一起的意思。 Should是应该,它是一个情态动词,后面直接用动词原形就好了。 Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。 学习英语也是一样的道理哦。 运动类词汇 Basketball 篮球 Baseball棒球 Jogging慢跑 Tenni网球 Swimming游泳 Badminton羽毛球 Climbing爬山 Karate空手道 Cycling骑自行车 常用表达: What kind of sports do you like? I like to play basketball. I like go climbing. Do you play tennis? No, I just like to watch. I’m a baseball fan.