

2017-04-16    13'04''

主播: 若雪明

1351 15

今天要为大家带来的是一个家喻户晓的童话故事——《灰姑娘》,我们接下来要听到的版本是出自格林兄弟。这个版本中,帮助灰姑娘参加舞会的不是仙女而是母亲坟头的许愿树。为灰姑娘带来幸运的是金鞋,同时,两个姐姐想要通过把脚削掉一小部分的方式让脚穿上鞋子,以期骗过王子。 Cinderella灰姑娘 The wife of a rich man fell sick, and as she felt that her end was drawing near, she called her only daughter to her bedside and said, "Dear child, be good and pious, and then the good God will always protect you, and I will look down on you from heaven and be near you." Thereupon she closed her eyes and departed. Every day the maiden went out to her mother's grave, and wept, and she remained pious and good. When winter came the snow spread a white sheet over the grave, and when the spring sun had drawn it off again, the man had taken another wife. 从前,有一小有钱的男人,他的妻子生了重病。她觉得自己时日不多了-就把自己的独生女儿叫到身边说:“亲爱的孩子,你要永远善良、虔诚,这样慈爱的上帝就会永远保佑你,我也会在天上一直注视着你,陪伴着你。"说完,她就闭上眼腈-离开了人世。小姑娘每天都会走到母亲的坟地旁哭泣,并且保持了虔诚和善良的本性。冬天来了, 母亲的坟墓上落了一层晶莹洁白的雪。第二年春天,当太阳光卸去坟上的银装素裹,爸爸又娶了另外一个妻子。 The woman had brought two daughters into the house with her, who were beautiful and fair of face, but vile and black of heart. Now began a bad time for the poor step-child. "Is the stupid goose to sit in the parlour with us?"said they.“He who wants to eat bread must earn it; out with the kitchen-wench." They took her pretty clothes away from her, put an old grey bedgown on her, and gave her wooden shoes. "Just look at the proud princess, how decked out she is!" they cried, and laughed, and led her into the kitchen. There she had to do hard work from morning till night, get up before daybreak, carry water, light fires, cook and wash. Besides this, the sisters did her every imaginable injury- they mocked her and emptied her peas and lentils into the ashes, so that she was forced to sit and pick them out again. In the evening when she had worked till she was weary she had no bed to go to, but had to sleep by the fireside in the ashes. And as on that account she always looked dusty and dirty, they called her Cinderella. 这个女人带着她的两个亲生女儿一起来了。她们虽然外表长得白净又好看,心却非常丑陋邪恶。从此,前期可怜的女儿就没了好日子。 “能让这蠢丫头呆在咱们房里吗!”她们说:“谁想吃面包,谁就得干活儿,滚到厨房里做女佣去吧!”说吧就脱去了她漂亮的衣裳,给她换上一身灰色的旧外套,一双木头做的鞋子。“瞧瞧这骄傲的公主,被我们打扮得多美啊!’’她们叫嚷着,嘲笑着,把她推进了厨房。可怜的女孩从早到晚在厨房里干着重活儿,每天天不亮就起来担水、生火、做饭、洗衣。除此之外,她的两个姐姐还总是想尽办法愚弄她,讥讽她。她们把豌豆和扁豆倒进灰里,让她从早到晚坐在那里,把豌豆和扁豆从灰里拣出来。到了晚上,可怜的女孩累得精疲力尽,但是她连睡觉的床铺也没有,不得不睡在炉灶旁边的灰烬中。因此,她总是脏兮兮的,满身灰尘,她们就叫她“灰姑娘’’。 It happened that the father was once going to the fair, and he asked his two step-daughters what he should bring back for them.“Beautiful dresses," said one, “Pearls and jewels," said the second.“And you, Cinderella," said he, "what will you have?"“Father, break off for me the first branch which knocks against your hat on your way home." So he bought beautiful dresses, pearls and jewels for his two step-daughters, and on his way home, as he was riding through a green thicket, a hazel twig brushed against him and knocked off his hat. Then he broke off the branch and took it with him. When he reached home he gave his step-daughters the things which they had wished for, and to Cinderella he gave the branch from the hazel-bush. Cinderella thanked him, went to her mother's grave and planted the branch on it, and wept so much that the tears fell down on it and watered it. And it grew, however, and became a handsome tree. Thrice a day Cinderella went and sat beneath it, and wept and prayed, and a little white bird always came on the tree, and if Cinderella expressed a wish, the bird threw down to her what she had wished for. 一天,父亲要到集市去,于是他问他的两个继女,要给她们带什么东西回来。第一个说: “我要漂亮的衣裳。”第二个说:“我要珍珠和钻石。"然后父亲问:“灰姑娘,你想要什么呢?”灰姑娘说:“爸爸,您就把回家路上碰着您帽子的第一根树枝折给我吧。’’父亲回来时,他为两位继女带回了她们想要的漂亮衣服、珍珠和宝石。在路上,他穿过一片绿色的灌木丛时,有一根榛子树枝碰着了他,把他的帽子给打掉了,他便把它折断了带回了家。回到家后,他把继女想要的东西给了她们,然后递给了灰姑娘那根榛子树枝。灰姑娘谢过父亲,然后来到母亲的坟前,将榛子树枝种在了坟头土。每次灰姑娘伤心地哭泣时,泪水就会不断地滴落在树枝上,浇灌着它,使树枝很快陕长成了一棵漂亮的大树。灰姑娘每天都要来这里三次,在树下一边哭泣一边祷告。每次她祷告的时候,榛子树上都会站着一只白色的小鸟。只要她说出什么愿望来,小鸟儿就会把她希望得到的东西带给她。