

2017-04-18    13'09''

主播: 若雪明

666 12

在上一期的故事中,我们讲到灰姑娘的母亲去世后,她的父亲娶了另一个女儿。于是,这个继母带着两个女儿入住,从此灰姑娘就没有好日子过了。有一天她的父亲去了市集,给两个继女带来了她们想要的漂亮的衣服和金银珠宝,而灰姑娘只跟他父亲要了一根树枝,并把榛子树枝种在母亲坟前,很快这跟树枝长成一棵大树,树上总有一只鸽子,只要灰姑娘有什么愿望,它都会帮她实现。让我们一起来接下来的故事。 It happened, however, that the King appointed a festival which was to last three days, and to which all the beautiful young girls in the country were invited, in order that his son might choose himself a bride. When the two step-sisters heard that they too were to appear among the number, they were delighted, called Cinderella and said, "Comb our hair for us, brush our shoes and fasten our buckles, for we are going to the festival at the King's palace." Cinderella obeyed, but wept, because she too would have liked to go with them to the dance, and begged her step-mother to allow her to do so. "You go, Cinderella!" said she; "You are dusty and dirty and would go to the festival? You have no clothes and shoes, and yet would dance!" As, however, Cinderella went on asking, the step-mother at last said, "I have emptied a dish of lentils into the ashes for you, if you have picked them out again in two hours, you shall go with us." The maiden went through the back-door into the garden, and called, "You tame pigeons, you turtle-doves, and all. you birds beneath the sky, come and help me to pick The good into the pot, The bad into the crop." 有一次,国王要在王宫举办一个长达三天的盛大宴会,邀请了全国所有漂亮的姑娘来参加,这样王子就可以从中选一位做自己的新娘。灰姑娘的两个姐姐也被邀请去参加,她们把她叫来说道:“现在来为我们梳好头发,擦亮鞋子,系好腰带,我们要去参加国王举办的舞会啦!”灰姑娘很顺从地帮两个姐姐梳洗打扮,可她禁不住哭了起来,因为她自己也想去参加舞会。她苦苦哀求她的继母让她去,可继母说道:“就凭你,全身沾满了灰尘和脏东西的灰姑娘?你没衣服没鞋子,怎么去跳舞?”灰姑娘一直苦苦哀求,为了摆脱她的纠缠,继母最后说道:“我在灰堆里面倒了一碗扁豆,如果你在两小时内把它们都拣出来了,你就可以去参加宴会。”姑娘走出后门来到园子里,叫道:“乖乖的鸽子们、小斑鸠们和天空中飞翔的小鸟们,请飞过来帮助我拣豆子吧: 好豆子拣进小罐子, 坏豆子吞进自己肚里。” Then two white pigeons came in by the kitchen-window, and afterwards the turtle-doves, and at last all the birds beneath the sky, came whirring and crowding in, and alighted amongst the ashes. And the pigeons nodded with their heads and began pick, pick, pick, pick, and the rest began also pick, pick, pick, pick, and gathered all the good grains into the dish. Hardly had one hour passed before they had finished, and all flew out again. Then the girl took the dish to her step-mother, and was glad, and believed that now she would be allowed to go with them to the festival. But the step-mother said, "No, Cinderella, you have no clothes and you can not dance; you would only be laughed at." And as Cinderella wept at this, the step-mother said, "If you can pick two dishes of lentils out of the ashes for me in one hour, you shall go with us." And she thought to herself, "That she most certainly cannot do." When the step-mother had emptied the two dishes of lentils amongst the ashes, the maiden went through the back-door into the garden and cried. "You tame pigeons, you turtle-doves, and all you birds under heaven, come and help me to pick The good into the pot, The bad into the crop." 马上有两只白色的小鸽子从窗户飞进了厨房里,接着又飞来了几只斑鸠,最后天空中所有的小乌都叽叽喳喳地拍动着翅膀,飞落到灰堆旁边。小白鸽点着小脑袋,突突突地开始拣豆子;紧跟着,其他小鸟也开始行动,突突突地点着头把好豆子都拣起来放进了罐中,不到一个小时它们就拣完了,然后飞走了。她怀着兴奋的心情,端着豆子去找继母,还以为终于可以一起去舞会了。但是她却说道:“不行!灰姑娘,你没有合适的衣服,你也不会跳舞,你去了只会成为大家的笑料。”灰姑娘哭了起来,继母这次又说道:“如果你能在一个小时之内把这样的两盘碗豆从灰堆里拣出来,你就可以跟我们一起去了。”继母想,这下灰姑娘绝对办不到了,说完便将两盘碗豆倒进了灰堆里。她走后,灰姑娘又跑到屋后的花园里和上次一样地喊遣“乖乖的鸽子们、小斑鸠们和天空中飞翔的小鸟们,请飞过来帮助我拣豆子吧: 好豆子拣进小罐子, 坏豆子吞进自己肚里。” Then two white pigeons came in by the kitchen-window, and afterwards the turtle-doves, and at length all the birds beneath the sky, came whirring and crowding in ,and alighted amongst the ashes. And the doves nodded with their heads and began pick, pick, pick, pick, and the others began also pick, pick, pick, pick, and gathered all the good seeds into the dishes, and before half an hour was over they had already finished, and all flew out again. Then the maiden carried the dishes to the step-mother and was delighted, and believed that she might now go with them to the festival. But the step-mother said, "All this will not help you; you cannot go with us, for you have no clothes and can not dance; we should be ashamed of you!" On this she turned her back on Cinderella, and hurried away with her two proud daughters. 先是有两只白鸽子从厨房的窗口飞了进来,接着飞来了几只斑鸠,最后天空中所有的小鸟都叽叽喳喳地拍动着翅膀,飞落到灰堆旁边。鸽子点着小脑袋,突突突地开始拣豆子;紧跟着,其他小鸟也开始行动,突突突地点着头把好豆子都拣起来放进了罐中,这次只用半个小时就拣完了,然后又一起飞走了。灰姑娘高高兴兴地端着盘子去找继母,以为自己可以去参加舞会了。但继母却说道:“做什么都没用!你今天就是不能去,因为你没有礼服,不会跳舞,你去了我们脸往哪儿搁!”说完一转身,带着她两个骄傲的女儿赴宴去了。