

2017-04-22    13'36''

主播: 若雪明

757 13

在上一期的节目中,我们讲到国王在王宫举办一个长达三天的盛大宴会,所有漂亮的女孩都可以参加,意在给他的儿子挑选妻子。灰姑娘也很想去参加宴会,可是她的继母不同意,两次刁难她如果能在两个小时甚至一个小时内把豆子拣完就带她去,灰姑娘在鸽子的帮助下顺利完成,可是她的继母仍旧嫌弃她又脏又不会跳舞不肯带她去。 As no one was now at home, Cinderella went to her mother 's grave beneath the hazel-tree, and cried, "Shiver and quiver, little tree, Silver and gold throw down over me." 现在,家里的人都走了,只留下灰姑娘孤零零一人,她就走到母亲坟前的榛子树下喊道: “小树啊,你摇一摇,晃一晃, 给我丢下一些金子银子吧。” Then the bird threw a gold and silver dress down to her, and slippers embroidered with silk and silver. She put on the dress with all speed, and went to the festival. Her step-sisters and the step-mother however did not know her, and thought she must be a foreign princess, for she looked so beautiful in the golden dress. They never once thought of Cinderella, and believed that she was sitting at home in the dirt, picking lentils out of the ashes. The prince went to meet her, took her by the hand and danced with her. He would dance with no other maiden, and never left loose of her hand, and if any one else came to invite her, he said, "This is my partner." 于是,小鸟从树上飞下来,为她带了一件金丝银线缝制的裙子和一双镶银的缎子绣花鞋。她急急忙忙地穿好,来到舞会上。两个姐姐和继母都没认出她来,因为她穿着这身裙子看起来美极了,她们以为她是从异国来的公主呢。继母和她的女儿们根本没想到她就是灰姑娘,还以为她现在正从脏兮兮的灰堆里面挑扁豆呢。这时王子走到她面前,牵着她的手和她跳舞,而对其他的人,王子都没有兴趣。他不肯放开她的手,每当有人来邀请灰姑娘跳舞时,王子总是说:“这位女士是我的舞伴。” She danced till it was evening, and then she wanted to go home. But the King's son said, "I will go with you and bear you company," for he wished to see to whom the beautiful maiden belonged. She escaped from him, however, and sprang into the pigeon-house. The King's son waited until her father came, and then he told him that the stranger maiden had leapt into the pigeon-house. The old man thought, "Can it be Cinderella?" and they had to bring him an axe and a pickaxe that he might hew the pigeon-house to pieces, but no one was inside it. And when they got home Cinderella lay in her dirty clothes among the ashes, and a dim little oil-lamp was burning on the mantle-piece, for Cinderella had jumped quickly down from the back of the pigeon-house and had run to the little hazel-tree, and there she had taken off her beautiful clothes and laid them on the grave, and the bird had taken them away again, and then she had placed herself in the kitchen among the ashes in her grey gown. 他们一起跳到了很晚,她才想起要回家去。王子想知道这位美丽的姑娘到底是谁家的,所以说道:“我送你回家吧。”灰姑娘却从王子身边逃开,回到家中跳进了鸽子棚里。王子等在外面不肯离去,一直到她父亲回家时,王子才上前告诉他.说那位他在舞会上遇到的不知名的姑娘藏进了这间鸽子棚。父亲想:难道是灰姑娘?他们拿来了斧子和锄头,劈开了鸽子棚,里面却已空无一人,他只好失望地回宫去了。当他们回到家以后,看到灰姑娘仍然穿着脏衣服坐在灰堆旁边,壁炉里点着昏暗的灯光。原来,灰姑娘早就从鸽子棚里跳了出来,跑到了榛子树那里,脱下了漂亮的礼服放到了母亲的坟头,让小乌把它们衔走了。之后,她又穿上了她那灰色的外套坐在了厨房的灰堆旁边。 Next day when the festival began afresh, and her parents and the step-sisters had gone once more, Cinderella went to the hazel-tree and said- "Shiver and quiver, my little tree, Silver and gold throw down over me." 第二天,舞会又要开始了。她的爸爸、继母和两个姐妹都去了。灰姑娘又跑到榛子树下说: “小树啊,你摇一摇,晃一晃, 给我丢下一些金子银子吧。” Then the bird threw down a much more beautiful dress than on the preceding day. And when Cinderella appeared at the festival in this dress, every one was astonished at her beauty. The King's son had waited until she came, and instantly took her by the hand and danced with no one but her. When others came and invited her, he said, "She is my partner." When evening came she wished to leave, and the King's son followed her and wanted to see into which house she went. But she sprang away from him, and into the garden behind the house. Therein stood a beautiful tall tree on which hung the most magnificent pears. She clambered so nimbly between the branches like a squirrel that the King's son did not know where she was gone. He waited until her father came, and said to him, "The stranger-maiden has escaped from me, and I believe she has climbed up the pear-tree." The father thought, "Can it be Cinderella?" and had an axe brought and cut the tree down, but no one was on it. And when they got into the kitchen, Cinderella lay there amongst the ashes, as usual, for she had jumped down on the other side of the tree, had taken the beautiful dress to the bird on the little hazel-tree, and put on her grey gown. 于是,那只小鸟又带来了一套比她前一天穿的那套更加漂亮的裙子。当她穿着这件裙子出现在舞会上时,所有的人都为她的美丽惊叹不已。王子一直在等着她,一看到她就立即上前挽起她的手,只单单和她跳舞。每当有人要请她跳舞时,王子总是说:“这位女士是我的舞伴。”到了半夜她要回家去的时候,王子便跟在她后面,想看一看她走进哪所房子。但她还是甩掉了他,并立即跳进了自己家后面的花园里。花园里有一株高大美丽的树,树上结满了诱人的梨子,小姑娘像只小松鼠似的爬上了树,灵巧地在树枝间穿梭。王子不知道她去了哪儿,只好又一直等到她父亲回来,才走上前对他说:“那个与我跳舞的不知姓名的姑娘又溜走了,我相信她一定是跳上了那颗梨树。”父亲想:“难道是灰姑娘?”于是,他让人取来一柄斧子,将大树砍倒,但树上根本没有人。当他们来到厨房,灰姑娘和平时一样正躺在灰堆里。原来她跳上树后,又从树的另一边溜了下来,脱下了漂亮的礼服,让榛子树上的小鸟糟署回去,然后又穿上了她自己的灰色外套。