

2017-05-26    10'21''

主播: 若雪明

1067 12

《三片羽毛》是收录于《格林童话》中的一则童话故事,讲述国王年纪大了,想把王位传给自己的儿子,于是他想通过三片羽毛来考验三个儿子。老大、老二聪明伶俐,老三沉默寡言, 但老三对事情的执着,最终让他战胜了两个哥哥,成为了英明的国王。故事告诉我们,后天努力比先天条件更重要,勤能补拙,只要拥有笨鸟先飞的精神,没有什么事情做不成。 The Three Feather 三片羽毛 There was once on a time a King who had three sons, of whom two were clever and wise, but the third did not speak much, and was simple. and was called the Simpleton. When the King had become old and weak, and was thinking of his end, he did not know which of his sons should inherit the kingdom after him. Then he said to them, "Go forth, and he who brings me the most beautiful carpet shall be King after my death." And that there should be no dispute amongst them, he took them outside his castle, blew three feathers in the air, and said. "You shall go as they fly." One feather flew to the east, the other to the west, but the third flew straight up and did not fly far, but soon fell to the ground. And now one brother went to the right, and the other to the left, and they mocked Simpleton, who was forced to stay where the third feather had fallen. He sat down and was sad, then all at once he saw that there was a trap-door close by the feather. He raised it up, found some steps, and went down them, and then he came to another door, knocked at it, and hear somebody inside calling, "Little green maiden small, Hopping hither and thither; Hop to the door, And quickly see who is there." 从前有一位国王,他有三个儿子,老大和老二聪明伶俐,小儿子却不爱说话,头脑简单,人们都管他叫“小呆瓜”。国王年纪大了,身体虚弱,想到身后之事,觉得难以确定究竟由哪个儿子来继承王位。于是,他对三个儿子说:“你们到外面去,谁能找回来最精美的地毯,谁就能继承王位。”为了避免争执,他将儿子们带到宫外,对着三片羽毛吹了一口气,说:“你们就跟着羽毛所指的方向去找吧。”三片羽毛,一pian朝东,一pian朝西,第三片直着朝上飞了一阵就落在了地上。于是一个儿子朝右走,一个儿子朝左走,他们都嘲笑小呆瓜,因为他只能留在原地。小呆瓜就坐在那里.非常难过。突然,他发现羽毛旁边的地上有一扇门。他掀开门板,看到有几级台阶,就沿着台阶往下走。不久又是一道门,他伸手敲了敲,听到里面有声音说: “青青侍女瘦又小, 跛脚小狗到处跳, 赶紧看一看, 谁在外面把门敲。" The door opened, and he saw a great ,fat toad sitting, and round about her a crowd of little toads. The fat toad asked what he wanted? He answered, "I should like to have the prettiest and finest carpet in the world." Then she called a young one and said, "Little green maiden small, Hopping hither and thither, Hop quickly and bring me The great box here." 门自动打开了,他看见一只又大又肥的蟾蜍蹲在那儿,四周挤满了小蟾蜍。蟾蜍问他想要什么,他回答说:“我想要世界上最漂亮、质地最好的地毯。”于是大蟾蜍召来一个小蟾蜍,说: “青青侍女跛着脚, 跛脚小狗到处跳, 搬来大箱子瞧一瞧。” The young toad brought the box, and the fat toad opened it, and gave Simpleton a carpet out of it, so beautiful and so fine, that on the earth above, none could woven like it. Then he thanked her, and ascended again. The two others had, however, looked on their youngest brother as so stupid that they believed he would find and bring nothing at all.“Why should we give ourselves a great deal of trouble to search?" said they, and got some coarse handkerchiefs from the first shepherds&`& wives whom they met, and carried them home to the King. At the same time Simpleton also came back, and brought his beautiful carpet, and when the King saw it he was astonished, and said, "If justice be done, the kingdom belongs to the youngest." But the two others let their father have no peace, and said that it was impossible that Simpleton, who in everything lacked understanding, should be King, and entreated him to make a new agreement with them. 年是小蟾蜍搬来一口大箱子,大蟾蜍打开箱子,从里面拿出一块地毯给了小呆瓜。那地毯质无比的美丽和精致,世界上简直没谁能织得出来。他谢过大蟾蜍之后,带上地毯出来了。他的两个哥哥都认为弟弟傻,相信他什么也找不到,什么也带不回去。“那我们干嘛还费尽周折去找啊!”他们说,然后从最先遇到的牧羊人妻子那里买了些织得很粗糙的羊毛手帕带了回去。这时,小呆瓜也回来了,他将那块精美无比的地毯交给了父亲,国王看到后,惊讶地说:“按道理说,王位该归小王子。”可是另外两兄弟吵吵嚷嚷地说不能让小呆瓜当国王,因为他干什么都考虑不周全。他们吵得国王不得安宁,央求他再出一个新条件。