The giant panda(八下U5)

The giant panda(八下U5)

2017-06-28    04'26''

主播: 暖竹Dilea

196 5

I hope all the pandas will live a happy life and stay long on the earth.It's really necessary for us to protect our environment very well. As a vegan, Dilea suggest dear you not do use the products made by fur from any animals. And also eat as less meat as you can. Vegan life-style has proved not only good for our body but also really helpful for our spiritual growth. I'd like to introduce a book named "The World Peace Diet" to you. It's written by Dr. Will Tuttle. The World Peace Diet has been translated into sixteen languages and its sale's volume has ranked first place for a long time in Amazon. It is deserved to read carefully at least twice. By the way, the music in this passage is from Dr. Will Tuttle. Isn't it beautiful ? 感谢收听,期待你对本期节目的评论留言哦~