Between the bars

Between the bars

2019-02-17    02'27''

主播: Kiddtalk

8371 52

大概一年多以前录的一首Elliot Smith的歌。一首特别特别悲观的歌,大意是作者被酒精控制了。每日酩酊大醉在各种酒吧之间,用酒精解决烦恼。 Drink up baby, stay up all night 干了,宝贝,今夜无眠 With the things you could do 那些你力所能及之事 You won't but you might 或许你再也不会去做 The potential you'll be 你的天资你的潜能 That you'll never see 你不会再看到 The promises you'll only make 那些你只说而不遵守的誓言 Drink up with me now 跟我喝光这些酒 And forget all about The pressure of days 忘记平日里那些压力 Do what I say 听我的 And I'll make you okay 我会让你好受一些的 And drive them away 我会让把他们都赶走 The images stuck in your head 那些深印在你脑中的画面 People you've been before 那些你曾经见过的人 That you don't want around anymore 你再也不想他们出现在你的身边 That push and shove and won't bend to your will 那些肆意摆弄不愿遵循你意愿的人 I'll keep them still 我会让他们都闭嘴 Drink up baby, look at the stars 干了宝贝,看看那星空 I'll kiss you again between the bars 我会在酒屋之间,再次吻你 Where I'm seeing you there 我看着你在那里 With your hands in the air 在空中挥舞着双手 Waiting to finally be caught 等着终于沦陷 Drink up one more time 再喝光一次 And I'll make you mine 你就属于我了 Keep you apart, 我会将你分开 Deep in my heart 在我的心中 Separate from the rest, 和其他那些 Where I like you the best 你和他们都不一样 And keep the things you forgot The people you've been before 那些你曾见过的人 That you don't want around anymore 你再也不想让他们出现再你的身边 That push and shove and won't bend to your will 他们肆意摆弄不愿遵守你的意愿 I'll keep them still 我会让他们都闭嘴
上一期: Mamarracho
下一期: Banana Pancake