

2019-05-14    14'40''

主播: 龄儿,

199 4

One morning a Fox was walking through the woods looking for something tasty to eat for his breakfast when his nose picked up a scent - a scent of something very interesting. 一天早晨,一只狐狸在树林里穿梭,想找些好吃的来做早餐。突然他的鼻子嗅到了一种味道 —— 一种神奇的味道。 He stood still and sniffed the air. 他停了下来,用鼻子闻这气味。 “Cheese,” he said. “I smell cheese. Now why would there be cheese in the middle of a wood like this?” “是奶酪,” 他说。“我闻到了奶酪的味道。为什么在这样的树林里会有奶酪呢?” The Fox didn’t have to wait long to find out because there sitting on a branch high up in a tree sat a crow and in the crow’s beak was the biggest piece of cheese he’d ever seen.  不一会儿他就发现,原来在那高高的树枝上坐着一只乌鸦,而且乌鸦的嘴里还叼着他所见过的最大的一块奶酪。 Now the Fox loved cheese more than anything in the whole world and he decided that come what may he would have that piece of cheese for himself. 这狐狸喜欢奶酪胜过这世界上所有的东西,于是他决定,他无论如何都要得到这块奶酪。 “Morning Mr. Crow,” he said. “Why don’t you come down and have a little chat?” “早上好,乌鸦先生,” 他说,“不如下来我们聊聊天吧?” The Crow didn’t reply. He just sat on his branch and looked down at the Fox. 乌鸦没有回答。他只是坐在树枝上,低头看着狐狸。 “He must think I’m stupid.” thought the Crow to himself.  “他肯定以为我很笨。” 乌鸦心里想。 “That fox is after my cheese. If I fly down there he’ll jump on me and gobble me up first and then the cheese.” “这狐狸想要我的奶酪。如果我飞下去了,他会马上扑过来吃掉我,然后再吃掉我的奶酪。” “Foxes can’t climb trees so I’ll just sit up here and enjoy my piece of cheese.” “狐狸是不会爬树的,所以我就坐在这上面,好好享受我的奶酪好了。” The Crow was just about to swallow his lump of cheese when the Fox said. 就在乌鸦快要把那块奶酪吞进去的时候,狐狸发话了。 “That cheese looks a bit mouldy to me. I wouldn’t eat it if I were you. ” “这奶酪看起来好像有点儿发霉了。如果我是你的话我就不会吃的。” “Mouldy cheese is very very dangerous. You could easily get ill from bad cheese.  If I were you,I’d be on the safe side and just drop that cheese right now.” “发霉的奶酪是非常非常危险的。你会很容易生病的。如果我是你的话,为了安全起见,我会马上扔掉它。” “Oh no,” thought the Crow. “I’m not falling for that. There’s nothing wrong with this cheese. I found it fresh this morning. It smells wonderful and I’m going to eat it right now.” “才不呢,” 乌鸦心里想。“我才不会上当。这块奶酪没毛病。我今天早上才找到它的,可新鲜了,我现在就要吃掉它。” The Crow looked straight at the Fox and waggled his piece of cheese as if to say “Look what I’ve got! Aren’t I the lucky one!” 乌鸦直直地盯着狐狸,来回摆动他的奶酪,好像在说“看我找到了什么!我是个被眷顾的幸运儿,不是么?” “Right,” thought the Fox. “This Crow isn’t quite as stupid as he looks. I’m going to have to try something else.” “好吧,” 狐狸心想。“这只乌鸦并没有他看起来那么笨。看来我要尝试另一种方法了。” “You know, Mr. Crow,” said the Fox, “you really do have the most  lovely feathers.” “你知道,乌鸦先生,” 狐狸说,“你的羽毛真是美丽极了。” The Crow smiled to himself. He was rather proud of his sleek black feathers. The Fox was right. They were rather lovely. 乌鸦得意地笑了。他为自己光滑的黑羽毛感到非常自豪。狐狸说得对。它们确实很美。 “And your head,” said the Fox. “Your head is very fine indeed. It makes you look fierce... but wise at the same time.” “还有你的头,” 狐狸继续说。“你的头长得也确实很不错。让你看起来很凶猛...... 同时也很有智慧。” “Right again.” thought the Crow. “That Fox knows what he’s talking about because I do look fierce... and I am very very wise.” “又对了。” 乌鸦心想。“这狐狸说得很对,因为我确实看起来很凶猛,并且我也很聪明。” “And I bet you’ve got the most beautiful singing voice too,” said the Fox. “I can tell just by looking at you. I mean all crows are good singers...” “我敢说你唱歌一定也很好听,” 狐狸又说。“我一看你就知道。当然了,所有的乌鸦都是很厉害的歌手......” The Crow nodded. 乌鸦点了点头。 “And I bet you’re the best singer out of all the crows.” “但我打包票,你是所有的乌鸦里最厉害的歌手。” The Crow nodded again. 乌鸦又点了点头。 ”See, I can tell you’re a great singer just by looking at you. Oh how I’d love to hear you sing. Just once. That’s all I ask. Just one little song would make me so happy.” “看吧,我一看你就知道你是个好歌手。噢我多么想听一听你的歌声。就一次。这是我唯一的愿望了。就小小的一首歌就会让我满足了。” The Crow’s mind was racing as the Fox started to walk away. 乌鸦的思想在打架,而狐狸却开始走开了。 ”Oh well I see I’m not in luck today,” sighed the Fox. ”Suppose I’ll just have to go and listen to a boring old sky lark... or nightingale...” “好吧看来我今天运气不好,” 狐狸叹着气说。“看来我只好走去听那无聊的老云雀...... 又或是夜莺......” The crow thought to himself. ”The Fox is right. I’m a wonderful singer. Much better than those boring nightingales... and larks... very over-rated... I shall sing. I shall sing for the Fox right now.” 乌鸦心想。“狐狸说的没错。我是一名很棒的歌手。比那些无趣的夜莺...... 还有云雀什么的...... 好多了。它们真是被高估了。我应该要唱歌的。我应该现在就为狐狸高歌一曲。” As the crow opened his beak and started to sing... the piece of cheese fell to the ground. 就在乌鸦张开嘴开始唱歌的瞬间...... 奶酪掉在了地上。 The Fox licked his lips. ”Thank you Mr Crow,” he said. ”You can stop singing now.” 狐狸舔了一下他的嘴唇。“谢谢你,乌鸦先生,” 他说。“你现在可以停止唱歌了。” ”That horrible sound’s spoiling my breakfast.” “你那烦人的声音简直是在糟蹋我的早餐。” ”But you said you loved to hear a crow sing.” “可是你刚刚说了你喜欢听乌鸦唱歌。” “Never believe what people tell you when they’re trying to steal your cheese.” said the Fox... and he winked at the crow as he gobbled up the last little bit. “千万别相信别人说的话,当他们想抢你的奶酪的时候。” 狐狸说...... 当他狼吞虎咽下最后一口奶酪时,他向乌鸦眨了一下眼。
上一期: 小王子03
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