The Lost Puppy | 【晶晶读中英文故事】

The Lost Puppy | 【晶晶读中英文故事】

2014-09-04    04'20''

主播: 晶晶读故事

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The Lost Puppy By Marc Brown Overview Arthur and D.W. took Baby Kate and Pal to the neighborhood street fair. But suddenly Baby Kate began to cry. Arthur sent D.W. to buy an ice cream cone for Kate, D.W. tied Pal’s leash to a bench outside the store. But when she came out, Pal was GONE! How should they find Pal back! 中文简介: 亚瑟和妹妹D.W.带着小宝宝凯蒂和小狗保罗去逛街市, 凯蒂忽 然大哭起来, 这让亚瑟和妹妹手忙脚乱, 他们使劲浑身解数也不 能让凯蒂停止哭闹, 最后亚瑟决定派妹妹去给凯蒂买甜筒冰激 凌, 这也许是个办法! D.W.小心翼翼的把小狗保罗拴在商店外 面的长凳上, 就去买冰激凌了. 当她拿着甜筒出来的时候发现包 罗不见了! 这可怎么办啊!