

2014-02-14    03'55''

主播: 五仁老师

188 2

拉金《爱人,我们现在必须分手》 爱人,我们现在必须分手 ___________________________________ 爱人,我们现在必须分手:可别让它 不幸而苦涩。从前 曾有那么多的月光和顾影自怜: 让我们作个了断吧:因为直到如今 从来没有太阳这样豪迈的走在天空, 从来没有心儿这样渴望着自由, 把世界踢翻,将森林鞭打;你和我 不再将它们死抱;我们是脱下的壳,眼瞅着 谷粒投奔别样的用途。 有些遗憾。总会,有些遗憾。 可那会更好,我们的生活松开了绑, 好像两艘高桅帆船,由风掌控,湿湿的闪着光, 按着它们既定的航线从一个河口扬帆启航, 挥手告别,挥着手从视野中消失。 Love, We Must Part Now by Philip Larkin Love, we must part now: do not let it be Calamitious and bitter. In the past There has been too much moonlight and self-pity: Let us have done with it: for now at last Never has sun more boldly paced the sky, Never were hearts more eager to be free, To kick down worlds, lash forests; you and I No longer hold them; we are husks, that see The grain going forward to a different use. There is regret. Always, there is regret. But it is better that our lives unloose, As two tall ships, wind-mastered, wet with light, Break from an estuary with their courses set, And waving part, and waving drop from sight.