1.On Skipping Classes
Asis shown in the picture, the overwhelming majority of students are absent fromclass with only one student showing himself up. This picture reveals somethingtrue of today's college classroom in China. In fact, stepping into any Chinesecollege classroom in recent years, chances are that you won't see fullattendance. Skipping classes is not uncommon for college students.
Whydoes such phenomenon occur? Today, college students face pressure from bothschool and society. In school, they have to get enough credits and a high GPAin order to graduate with an impressive resume. However, when they are huntingfor jobs, social experience also counts a great deal. So sometimes studentshave to sacrifice school to social activities such as novitiates.
Inmy opinion, students should learn to balance the time spent in classrooms andon social activities. Both academic knowledge and social experience arenecessary for their future career, but school should always come first for astudent.