Colin Morgan - 话剧Our Private Life片段

Colin Morgan - 话剧Our Private Life片段

2014-09-16    02'59''

主播: 科林摩根

4011 96

Clip from second act. SERGIO:Carlos,I don't hate you for being my brother. CARLOS:Sergio,I don't hate you for getting better grades than me. SERGIO:I don't hate you for doing it with men. CARLOS:I don't hate you for for being a father-to-be. SERGIO:I don't hate you for not envying me. CARLOS:I don't hate you for tearing up my porn. SERGIO:I don't hate you for being effeminate. CARLOS:I don't hate you for being ashamed of me. SERGIO:I don't hate you for not voting. CARLOS:I don't hate you for voting Uribe. SERGIO:I don't hate you for being a vegetarian. CARLOS:I don't hate you for having money. SERGIO:I don't hate you for being bipolar. CARLOS:I don't hate you for not being dad's son. CARLOS AND SERGIO:I don't hate you for hating dad. CARLOS:So? SERGIO:What? CARLOS:We can't leave it like this. SERGIO:Look,we're not doing anything. CARLOS:But... SERGIO:I've got a job. CARLOS:But... SERGIO:A wife. CARLOS:But... SERGIO:And soon I'll have a son.I'm going to chew up all my anger and swallow it bit by bit until I get used to it living inside me.Now you do the same.Nobody can find out anything about this. CARLOS:Not about us,no...but the Tania thing...people know about that anyway. SERGIO:There's a long silence while I listen to what he's thinking... CARLOS:...that all we need for justice to be done is a good pretext;a kid from a poor family,abused by his mum's boss.He looks at me. SERGIO:I look at him. CARLOS:He's not going to admit I'm right. SERGIO:I'm not going to admit he's right. CARLOS:But he knows I am.And he'll do something about it.I'll sleep better now. Clip from third act. SERGIO:Tuna salad? THE MOTHER:Your favourite.His favourite.I made it specially with you all in mind.Well,nearly all of you.But before we start,I'd just like to say a quick Christmas toast because here we all are,the whole family round the table again... CARLOS:Like all those Chrsitamses we pretend that we enjoy. THE MOTHER:Carlos,people like us don't think out loud any more. SERGIO:Cheers! CARLOS:Cheers! SERGIO:More wine,dad? CARLOS:Ah,here's the natilla and the bunuelos... SERGIO:My baby's due in two weeks.We are going to call him Jose.It's a boy,like you wanted,dad. CARLOS:I did the nativity scene myself.It looks like real moss,doesn't it? It's not,it's acrylic or something because we have to protect nature,just like you taught me,dad...thank you.Thank you for always thinking of me. SERGIO:Thank you for always being disappointed in me. CARLOS:Thank you for being the father you are. SERGIO:Thank you for not preferring me to him. CARLOS:Thank you for preferring me to him. SERGIO:Thank you for not inviting my wife. CARLOS:Thank you for teaching me to love the countryside and hate the city. SERGIO:Thank you for making me fight for your approval.Thank you for not giving it to me. CARLOS:Thank you for not having done anything bad to me when I was a boy. SERGIO:Thank you for not touching me up. CARLOS:Thank you for understanding that I'm a bipolar compulsive fantasist. SERGIO:Thank you for giving me the family name. CARLOS:Thank you. SERGIO:Thank you for not loving me as much as Carlos. CARLOS:Thank you. SERGIO:Thank you. CARLOS:Thank you. SERGIO:Thank you. CARLOS:Thank you. SERGIO:Thank you. THE FATHER:Sergio,you paid for Tania's lawyer.