

2019-07-19    06'32''

主播: 海绵MBA

150 1

原文在这哦: What Is Your &`&Bread and Butter&`&? Today we talk about a food expression using something most cultures have – bread. 今天,我们用大多数文化中都有的东西——面包,来讨论一个跟食物相关的表达。 Some people like to dip their bread into olive oil. Some like to spread chocolate on top. But one of the best things to put on bread -- especially if it is warm from the oven -- is butter! 有些人喜欢用面包蘸橄榄油,有些人喜欢在面包上涂巧克力,但跟面包搭配的最好之一是黄油,尤其是当面包从烤箱里拿出来冒着热气的时候。 Bread and butter is a classic combination. But "bread and butter" also means something almost as comforting: a way to make money! 面包和黄油是经典搭配。但是,“面包和黄油”也同样意味着令人欣慰的事情:赚钱的方式! Some word experts say the phrase "bread and butter" began in Europe and England during the Middle Ages. At that time, many peasants could only afford bread and butter as their entire meal. Or they would eat it with soup. So, bread and butter was a food staple. And that is what the expression "bread and butter" meant for many years – a basic item for life. After you got your bread and butter, you could then purchase more items for your household. 一些词汇专家说,“面包和黄油”一词始于中世纪的欧洲和英国。那时,许多农民只能吃得起面包和黄油作为他们的全部食物,或者他们会和汤搭配着一起吃。所以,面包和黄油在那时是一种主食。这就是“面包和黄油”一词多年来的含义——它是生活的基本需求。在你得到面包和黄油之后,你才会考虑为你的家庭添置更多的东西。 Then around the 1600s, the meaning changed. People began using it to mean the way they earned a living, or their livelihood. So, that is the origin. Here is how you can use it. 然后在16世纪左右,它的意思发生了改变。人们开始把它作为他们谋生的方式或他们的生计。所以,这就它是起源。以下是使用它的方法。 Let&`&s say you really like to write and perform songs. But you do not make enough money doing those things to pay for your housing, groceries and other expenses. So you get a job as a website designer. If someone asks what you do, you could say, "Well, I&`&m a musician. But designing websites is my bread-and-butter." In other words, designing websites pays your bills. Making music ... does not. So, you count on web design for your "bread and butter." 假设你真的很喜欢写歌和唱歌。但是你做这些事情挣不到足够的钱来支付你的住房、杂货和其他开支,所以你找了一份网页设计师的工作。如果有人问你做什么,你可以说,“好吧,我是个音乐家,但是设计网站是我的生计。”换句话说,设计网站能支付你的账单,创作音乐则不能。所以,你的“面包和黄油”是网站设计。 For some people, it is important to have a stable bread-and-butter job. They get nervous if they do not have a steady paycheck coming in. Being a doctor is a good bread-and-butter job. If you are an import-export specialist, you could say business and trade are your bread and butter. 对一些人来说,有一份稳定的工作是很重要的。如果没有稳定的薪水进账,他们就会紧张。做医生就是一项很好的(很稳定)的工作。如果你是一个进出口专家,你可以说生意和贸易就是你的面包和黄油。 Now, if you really like your job and it pays well, you probably want to keep it. And if you work for someone else, you probably want to keep them happy. In other words, you should know which side your bread is buttered on."To know which side your bread is buttered on" means you are aware of the people who can help you. But this expression has a bad feel to it. It means being unusually aware of how others can help you. 现在,如果你真的喜欢你的工作,并且报酬很不错,你可能想保住它。如果你为别人工作,你可能想讨他们开心。换句话说,你应该知道你的面包哪一边涂了黄油。“知道你的面包在哪一边涂黄油”意味着你意识到了那些能帮你的人,但是这个表达有一种不好的感觉,这说明要异乎寻常地意识到别人是如何帮助你的。 dip v. 蘸;浸 oven n. 烤箱,烤炉,灶 butter n. 黄油; 黄油状的食品; vt. 抹黄油于…上; combination n. 结合体;联合体;混合体 peasants n. 农民( peasant的名词复数 ); 农夫; 佃农; 粗俗的人 food staple 主食 origin n. 起源;源头;起因 import-export specialist 进出口专家