

2019-08-20    06'14''

主播: 海绵MBA

158 1

原文在这哦: 室温高有利于提高女性工作效率 Women’s Brains Work Better at Higher Temperatures Scientists have raised the stakes in the battle of the sexes over office air conditioning by discovering women’s brains work better at higher temperatures. 科学家发现女性的大脑在室温较高时能更好地工作,这一研究结果恐怕会引发办公室空调的两性之争。 Men, on the other hand, work better when the temperature is cooler, according to a study published in the journal PLOS One. 根据发表在《科学公共图书馆·综合》期刊上的这项研究,当温度较低时,男性能更好地工作。 The study, conducted in Germany, tested the ability of 500 men and women to perform a series of tasks at a variety of temperatures. 这项在德国开展的研究测试了500名男性和女性在各种温度下执行一系列任务的能力。 At higher temperatures, women perform better on maths and verbal tasks while the reverse is true for men. 在较高的温度下,女性做数学题和文字题时表现更好,男性则正好相反。 For women, the increase in performance while working in warmer temperatures was “significantly larger” than the decrease in male performance. 对女性而言,较高室温所带来的工作效率提高的幅度比男性工作效率下降的幅度“明显更大”。 "Our findings suggest that gender mixed workplaces may be able to increase productivity by setting the thermostat higher than current standards,” the study found. 研究发现,“男女混合的工作场所中或许可以通过调高室温来提高工作效率”。 And perhaps it explains why men wearing suits and ties are determined to plunge their offices into an ice age. 不过,这项研究或许可以解释为什么那些穿西装打领带的男士决心让办公室温度降到冰点。 raised v. 提升; 举起; 提起; (使)直立,站立; 增加,提高(数量、水平等) raise的过去分词和过去式 stakes n. 桩; 标桩; 篱笆桩; 火刑柱; 股本; 股份 raise the stakes to increase in significance or risk 增加重要性或风险 ability n. 能力;才能;本领;才智 perform v 做;履行;执行;演出;表演;工作,运转(好 / 不好) reverse n.相反的情况(或事物);后面;背面;反面;倒挡 significantly adv. 有重大意义地; 显著地; 明显地; 有某种意义; 别有含义地; 意味深长地 be able to(因具有品质或技能)能做到…的;(因有足够的自由、权力、时间、财力等而)可以…的,能够…的 productivity n. 生产率;生产效率 plunge v. 使突然前冲(或下落);暴跌;骤降;突降;陡峭地向下倾斜