

2019-08-23    04'13''

主播: 海绵MBA

157 2

Anyone with children, or young relatives, will know that dining out with little ones can be a frustrating experience. 任何有孩子或年幼亲戚的人都知道,和小朋友出去吃饭会有多令人头疼。 If they&`&re not running around the entire restaurant or asking to go to the toilet as soon as the food arrives, then they&`&re throwing a tantrum or refusing to eat their meal. 他们如果没在满餐馆乱跑或是食物一上来就要去洗手间,那么就在发脾气或拒绝吃饭。 One restaurant has created a hilarious and very helpful children&`&s menu. 一家餐馆创造出了一份令人捧腹又十分有用的儿童菜单。 In its "Kid Friendlies" section, its children&`&s dishes are given very creative names, which are common phrases fussy eaters say at mealtimes. 在菜单的“适合儿童食用”部分,菜品都用挑食的孩子在吃饭时常说的话命名,极具创意。 The idea is that parents can translate what their child says into a meal you can order for them at the restaurant. 这样一来,在餐馆吃饭时父母就可以把孩子说的话“翻译”成可以为他们点的菜品。 The ingenious solution to children&`&s mealtime tantrums could save parents a lot of drama when dining out. 这个巧妙的方法解决了孩子在外吃饭时使性子的问题,为父母省去不少周章。 One father commented on the picture of the menu on Reddit, and said: "As a dad this is on the money. Good stuff." 一位父亲对Reddit上的菜单图片评论道:“作为父亲我觉得这样做太对了,这菜单真棒!” Though one cheeky user joked that the section should be renamed &`&Girlfriend Friendles&`& instead of Kid Friendlies. 然而一名调皮的用户开玩笑说,菜单的这一部分不应叫作“适用于孩子”,而是应该改为“适用于女朋友”。