

2019-09-03    05'40''

主播: 海绵MBA

129 1

原文在这哦: The FTC has fined the owners of the TikTok for unlawfully collecting data from kids. The TikTok app, formerly known as Musical.ly, will now restrict functionality for kids 12 and under. TikTok,以前叫Musical.ly现在开始会对十二岁及以下的儿童限制使用功能。 The FTC says TikTok violated the privacy law COPPA (Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act), which says web services can’t collect personally identifiable information (like email address, IP address, or geolocation information) from kids under 13 without parental consent. 美国联邦贸易委员会称TikTok违反了隐私法《儿童在线隐私保护法案》,该法案要求网站运营商在未经父母的许可的情况下,不能收集13岁以下的儿童的个人身份信息(比如邮箱地址、IP地址和地理位置)。 TikTok asks for a variety of personal identification from kids (and everybody else) on sign-up, and was setting that information to “public” (collectable and shareable) by default. 在注册时,TikTok向儿童(以及其他所有人)要求了各种各样的个人身份信息,并默认将这些信息设置为“公开”(可收集和共享)。 TikTok will release a new version of the app today requiring users to state their date of birth before using the app. TikTok今天会发布新版本,要求用户在使用该软件前先表明出生年月。 fined v. 处…以罚金 restrict vt. 限制,限定 violated v. 侵犯(隐私等);使人不得安宁;搅扰 privacy n. 隐私;私密 identifiable adj. 可识别的;可辨认的 geolocation n. 地理定位; collectable adj. 可收集的,可代收的 shareable adj.可分摊的,可分享的,可分担的 by default 默认 release v. 发布; 发行