

2019-09-27    08'48''

主播: 海绵MBA

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不显示数字的体重秤有助于减肥? The scale of the future does not have numbers or dials. It won&`&t even tell you how much you weigh. It doesn&`&t have a screen to display your weight because, if you ask behavioral economist at Duke University Dan Ariely, weight is a metric of the past. 未来的体重秤没有数字和表盘,不会告诉你有多重,甚至它连显示体重的屏幕都没有。如果你想知道原因的话,杜克大学的行为经济学家Dan Ariely会告诉你,体重只是一个关于过去的测量数值。 Most scales remind people of the shame, regret, and self-disgust they feel when they step onto one. Even the simplest nugget of data can be misleading. When you see your weight go up two pounds, you assume you&`&ve done something wrong. When you see your weight go down two pounds, you assume you&`&ve done something right. Most of the time, you haven&`&t done anything at all. 当踏上一个普通体重秤上时,人们会感到羞愧、后悔和自我厌弃。最简单的数据也可能会误导你。当你看到体重增加了两磅,你会觉得你做错了什么。当你看到体重下降两磅时,你会以为已经做了一些正确的事。其实大多数时候,你什么都没做。 "It&`&s incredibly confusing and demotivating," says Ariely. "So we said, &`&OK, let&`&s rethink the numberless scale.&`&" More encouragement, less data. Ariely&`&s dream of the unquantified self. Ariely说:“这简直是扑朔迷离,让人失去了减肥的动力。所以我觉得,我们要再考虑一下不显示数字的体重秤。”更多的鼓励,更少的数据。Ariely想要一个不被量化的自己。 The smart scale designed by Ariely captures bone density and muscle mass in addition to overall weight, and it connects to your phone. You simply step on, and step off. And it never tells you how much you weigh, not even in the app. 除了测体重,Ariely设计的智能秤还可以获取骨密度和肌肉量,同时关联着你的手机。你只需要站上去,然后下来。秤上不会显示你的体重值,APP上也不会。 Instead, it analyzes all the granular information about your body and translates it into simple humanspeak: either you&`&re doing fine, or you&`&re not. 但是,它会综合分析身体相关的所有信息,并将其转换为最简单的人类语言:你做地很好,或者你表现不好。 He thinks this approach will help people better understand how their choices are affecting their health overall, rather than what makes someone gain or lose a few fractions of a pound in a day. 他认为这种方法可以帮助人们更好地理解自己的选择如何影响健康状况,而不是让某个人在一天内增加或者减少一点点体重。 scale n. 秤;磅秤;天平 self-disgust 自我厌恶 misleading v. 误导;引入歧途;使误信 demotivating adj. 使失去动力的;使人消极的 rethink v. 重新考虑 numberless adj. 无数字的;无数的;难以计数的 encouragement n. 鼓舞;鼓励;起激励作用的事物 unquantified adj. 无限制条件的;完全的;绝对的;无保留的; rather than 而不是