

2019-10-01    05'20''

主播: 海绵MBA

145 1

澳大利亚金负鼠因形似皮卡丘而走红网络 A Rare Brushtail Possum Which Resembles to Pokemon Has Gone Viral on Social Media A rare brushtail possum has gone viral on social media, thanks to her uncanny resemblance to a popular Pokemon character. 一只罕见的帚尾负鼠因与《精灵宝可梦》中的人气角色出奇相像而走红社交媒体。 The baby orphan possum was recently brought into a Melbourne vet clinic and has since been nicknamed Pikachu for her similarity to the famous animated rodent-like creature. 这只负鼠孤儿宝宝近日被送到墨尔本的一家宠物诊所,由于与著名啮齿类动画角色“皮卡丘”十分相似,因而被起了相同的绰号。 "We recently had a very special possum brought in to the clinic," Boronia Veterinary Clinic and Animal Hospital posted on its Facebook page. "The golden color occurs due to a mutation which causes a low level of the pigment melanin." 博洛尼亚兽医诊所和动物医院在其脸书页面上发帖称:"我们诊所最近来了一只非常特别的负鼠,由于基因突变使她体内的黑色素水平较低,导致皮毛呈金色。” 澳大利亚金负鼠因形似皮卡丘而走红网络 A Rare Brushtail Possum Which Resembles to Pokemon Has Gone Viral on Social Media A rare brushtail possum has gone viral on social media, thanks to her uncanny resemblance to a popular Pokemon character. 一只罕见的帚尾负鼠因与《精灵宝可梦》中的人气角色出奇相像而走红社交媒体。 The baby orphan possum was recently brought into a Melbourne vet clinic and has since been nicknamed Pikachu for her similarity to the famous animated rodent-like creature. 这只负鼠孤儿宝宝近日被送到墨尔本的一家宠物诊所,由于与著名啮齿类动画角色“皮卡丘”十分相似,因而被起了相同的绰号。 "We recently had a very special possum brought in to the clinic," Boronia Veterinary Clinic and Animal Hospital posted on its Facebook page. "The golden color occurs due to a mutation which causes a low level of the pigment melanin." 博洛尼亚兽医诊所和动物医院在其脸书页面上发帖称:"我们诊所最近来了一只非常特别的负鼠,由于基因突变使她体内的黑色素水平较低,导致皮毛呈金色。” "They are so rare in the wild as although their bright color makes them look special to us, they also stand out to predators! Luckily for this baby brushtail, she's gone to carers to be raised and then will end up in a wildlife sanctuary." “金毛负鼠在野外实数罕见,虽然其鲜亮的毛色让我们觉得它们看起来很是特别,但它们也极易被猎食动物发现!幸运的是这只负鼠宝宝已被护理员收养,之后将被送到野生动物保护区生活。” The photo of the adorable marsupial has since attracted more than 1,300 shares and sparked hundreds of comments on Facebook. 自发布以来,这只可爱的有袋类动物的照片已被转发超过1300次,且引得网友在脸书上留言数百条。 “Pretty sure that's a Pokemon,” someone commented. Another added: “What a very special and gorgeous little creature.” 有网友评论道:“这就是一个精灵宝可梦啊。” 另外一人补充道:“多么特别、多么美丽的小生物啊。”