

2019-11-08    12'26''

主播: 海绵MBA

139 1

文章在这里: In the next 15 to 20 years, robots in U.S are actually going to become much cheaper than Kenyan labor, particularly in the furniture manufacturing industry. 在未来15到20年内,美国的机器人实际上将比肯尼亚的劳动力便宜得多,特别是在家具制造业上。 So this means that around 2033, American companies will find it much more profitable to reshore production back. 这意味着在2033年前后,美国企业会发现生产回岸将更有利可图。 And that obviously you know can have very significantly negative effects for jobs in Africa. 很明显,这将对非洲就业产生极其严重的负面影响。 As robots are getting cheaper, people are getting more expensive. 随着机器人越来越廉价,人工也越来越昂贵。 So the cost of a robot or the cost of a 3D printer, they're declining at similar levels, around 6 percent annually. 机器人或3D打印机的成本,每年都下降约6%。