

2019-11-19    12'01''

主播: 海绵MBA

161 3

Essentally it&`&s about me giving you a cup din reality and you have the cup and you can take the cup but I won&`&t have the cup anymore. 从本质上进,就好像我在现实中给你一个杯子,你有了一个杯子,你可以拿走杯子,但我就没有这个杯子了。 Unlike a digital picture which can be copied and shared online, the blockchain ensures that only one person can own that cup or any digital item at the time。 不同于数字图像可以复制和分享,区块链确保只有一个人能在同一时刻拥有那些杯子或那些数据。 The difference from the traditional banking system isthat there is no central computer that can be hacked/ That&`&s because all the computersin the blockchain keep a record of every transaction which creates a giant decentralized system. 与传统银行体系不同的是,没有中央计算机可以被黑客入侵,这是因为在区块链中,所有计算机会记录下每一-笔交易,创造出一个巨大的数据分布系统。