

2019-12-04    14'41''

主播: 海绵MBA

155 0

In a decentralized model, we have the opportunity to completely redesign how we create money, how we distribute money, how we keep track money and even how we value money, what we think money is. 在分布数据模式下,我们有机会重新设计创造资金、分配资金、跟踪资金的方法,我们甚至有机会重新设计给资金定价的方法,以及定义对金钱的认知。 Blockchain&`&s importance though is poised to go way beyond Bitcoin and financial transactions, Blockchain can be applied to many different things, It can track supply chains or it can track anything in a city, say a smart city. 虽然区块链的重要性将超过比特币和金融交易,但是区块链可以应用在很多不同的领域。它可以跟踪供应链,也可以跟踪城市中的任何事物,比如说一个智能城市。 So that&`&s the revolutionary technology that people are talking about, a lot at the moment. Most analysts expect blockchain to play a major role in guaranteeing online privacy, identifying counterfeit goods and all kinds of record-keeping in the next five to ten years. 这就是人们目前正在讨论的众多革命性技术,分析师估计,未来五到十年,区块链将在保障网络隐私、识别假冒商品及各种记录等方面发挥主要作用。