

2019-12-13    07'51''

主播: 海绵MBA

108 0

榴莲为什么这么“臭”? One of nature's smelliest secrets may have been revealed, thanks to a dedicated team of durian-loving scientists in Singapore. Researchers have found an odour gene which gives the thorny fruit its notoriously pungent scent. The discovery meant the possibility of creating "odourless or milder-tasting" fruits in future, the scientists said. 新加坡一组喜爱榴莲的科学家潜心研究,揭开了大自然中一种最难闻气味的奥秘。研究人员发现,一种气味基因让榴莲这种多刺水果散发出大家都知道的那种难闻气味。科学家们表示,这一发现意味着将来有可能培育出“无气味或口味较淡”的榴莲。 It has sparked mixed feelings from durian aficionados, who worship its signature rank smell. "A durian without its smell is nothing but an empty shell with no essence," wrote Singaporean Richie Liang on Facebook, who also compared "a durian without its unique smell" to "a human being who has lost his or her soul". 榴莲爱好者对此反应不一,榴莲标志性的难闻气味正是他们所推崇的。新加坡人里奇•梁在脸书上写道:“丧失气味的榴莲将只是一个没有精华的空壳。”他还把“失去独特气味的榴莲”比作“失去灵魂的人”。 The researchers said the durian's distinctive odour served an important purpose in the wild: helping to attract animals to eat it and disperse its seeds. 研究人员称,榴莲的独特气味在野生环境中有着重要用途:吸引动物将它吃掉,然后把它的种子传播出去。 The fruit is loved and loathed in equal measure. Eating durian is banned in many outdoor spaces throughout Singapore and carrying it is prohibited on public transport because of its smell. But its fans remain fiercely protective over retaining its controversial scent. 对榴莲,有人喜爱也有人厌烦。新加坡的很多室外场所禁止吃榴莲,由于其难闻的气味,乘坐公共交通工具时也禁止携带榴莲。但榴莲的爱好者们仍然强烈呼吁保留这种有人爱也有人恨的气味。