69.Believe in Yourself & Never Give Up

69.Believe in Yourself & Never Give Up

2019-12-20    03'15''

主播: 海绵MBA

103 0

Believe in Yourself & Never Give Up If you think you are beaten, you are; If you think you dare not, you don’t. If you’d like to win, but you think you can’t, it is almost certain you won’t. If you think you’ll lose, you’re lost; For out in the world we find success begins with a fellow’s will. It’s all in the state of mind. 如果你自认被打败,那你就一败涂地;如果你认为你不敢,那你就会退缩畏惧。如果你想赢却认为自己不可能,那么你就几乎和胜利无缘。如果你认为你会输,你就已经输了;因为我们发现人世间, 成功始于人的意志,成败在一念之间。 If you think you’re outclassed, you are; You’ve got to think high to rise. You’ve got to be sure of yourself before you can ever win a prize. Life’s battles don’t always go to the stronger or faster man; But sooner or later the man who wins is the one who thinks he can! 如果你自认会被超越,你就已经被超越;你必须心怀远志。你必须自信不疑,方能取得胜利。人生的战场并不总是青睐强者或迅猛之士;但最终的胜利者一定属于“我想我能”的人! I know you're going to make it. It may take time and hard work. It may take some sweat and tears. You may become frustrated. You may become depressed. You may even become hopeless. And at times you’ll feel like giving up. Sometimes you may even wonder if the struggle is really worth it. But I have confidence in you. I believe you will succeed. I know you’ll make it, if you try. Whatever you do, just don't give up. Your dreams will come true. 我知道你们一定会成功. 成功需要时间和勤奋, 成功得流汗、流泪。你可能会感到沮丧,你可能会感到消沉,你甚至可能会感到绝望。有时,你会想放弃,有时,你甚至不知道是否值得拼搏。但是我对你们充满信心,我相信你们会成功。只要你尝试,你就会成功。不管你做什么,都不要放弃,你们得梦想终将会实现! beaten 被打败的 outclassed 被远远超过(对手)的 battles 战斗 sooner or later 迟早 sweat 汗 frustrated 沮丧 depressed 消沉的 at times 有时;间或 struggle 努力