

2020-01-04    08'40''

主播: 海绵MBA

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失眠 When insomniacs arrive at Dr. Sandi Mann&`&s Manchester-based clinic, they usually expect the sleep expert to teach them how to get eight hours of kip every night. Instead, she shows them how to cope without. 失眠患者前往桑迪·曼(Sandi Mann)医生位于曼彻斯特的诊所时通常希望这位睡眠专家能告诉他们每晚安稳入睡8小时的方法。但相反的是,桑迪医生往往会告诉他们睡眠不足时的应对方法。 "Some do walk away and find someone else, but those who stay with me generally benefit," she says. "Coping with little sleep is a valuable skill - once you learn how, you won&`&t be so worried about getting it - and often your sleep patterns will start to stabilise." "有些患者的确会转身就走,另寻医生,但留下来的那些人一般都会受益,"她说道。"应对睡眠不足是一项重要技能--一旦学会,就再也不用担心睡眠不足了--而且,你的睡眠模式通常也会因此逐渐稳定。" For most people, not getting enough sleep leaves them feeling irritable, miserable and, well, tired. Certainly, studies regularly reveal an increased risk of earlier death due to chronic sleep deprivation. But as with most things, when it comes to insomnia, we have created a problem to some extent. 对于大多数人而言,睡眠不足会导致烦躁、难受,和疲惫。当然,研究也经常表明:早死风险增加是由于长期睡眠不足所致。但和大多数情况一样,在一定程度上,是我们自身原因导致了失眠这一问题。" Dr. Mann believes people who can&`&t sleep probably differ from those who sleep easily thanks to one important fact: they worry about sleep more. Her most important lesson for patients is that it is this worry that results in less-good sleep, so reducing worry will improve sleep. 曼医生认为,有些人难以入睡但有些人却能轻易入睡的原因在于:难以入睡的人更担心他们的睡眠。她给患者讲过的最重要的一课就是--正是这种担心导致他们的深度睡眠变少,所以减少担心便会改善睡眠。 cope v. (成功地)对付,处理 benefit v. 使受益;对(某人)有用;得益于; 得利于 kip n. 睡觉 miserable adj.痛苦的;非常难受的;可怜的;使难受的;使不舒服的;令人不快的;乖戾的; chronic adj. 长期的;慢性的;难以治愈(或根除)的;长期患病的; valuable adj. 很有用的;很重要的;宝贵的;很值钱的;贵重的 instead adv. 反而;却;代替;顶替; results in导致;结果;产生;造成;引起 thanks to 幸亏;多亏;由于;归因于