

2020-01-14    07'45''

主播: 海绵MBA

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Drinking a Cup of Coffee Might Help You to Lose Weight According to a new study, drinking a cup of coffee might actually have more benefits than just helping you function like a regular human being - as well as getting you through the morning, a cup of joe could also help you to lose weight. 根据一项新的研究,喝一杯咖啡实际上可能比提神之外更有益处——除了能一杯帮助你度过早上,一杯咖啡也可以帮助你减肥。 A study by the School of Medicine at the University of Nottingham found that it does this by stimulating brown adipose tissue, also known as "brown fat" in your body, which burns calories. Professor Michael Symonds, who co-directed the research, explained: "Brown fat works in a different way to other fat in your body and produces heat by burning sugar and fat. Increasing its activity improves blood sugar control as well as improving blood lipid levels and the extra calories burnt help with weight loss." 诺丁汉大学医学院的一项研究发现:咖啡会刺激人体内的棕色脂肪组织(也被称为“棕色脂肪”),该组织会燃烧卡路里,从而有助于减肥。迈克尔·西蒙兹(Michael Symonds)教授是本研究的共同指导老师,他解释道:“棕色脂肪以不同于体内其它脂肪的方式燃烧糖分和脂肪,产生热卡。这一活动的增加可以改善血糖控制、改善血脂水平、燃烧额外的卡路里,从而有助于减肥。” The research is thought to be the first of its kind to show how coffee has a direct impact on brown fat in humans, which Professor Symonds feels will have "big implications" for society. He added: "The potential implications of our results are pretty big, as obesity is a major health concern for society and we also have a growing diabetes epidemic and brown fat could potentially be part of the solution in tackling them." 该研究首次揭示了咖啡对人体棕色脂肪的直接影响,西蒙兹教授认为这会对社会产生“重大影响”。他补充道:“研究结果意义深远,因为肥胖已成为社会的主要健康问题,同时,糖尿病患者越来越多,而棕色脂肪可能是解决这些问题的潜在方案。”