92.study at home

92.study at home

2020-03-10    06'57''

主播: 海绵MBA

134 1

Learning from home As the novel coronavirus pneumonia forces students to stay home, online learning has seen a sharp rise among students. 由于新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情,学生们只能居家,参加在线学习的学生数量也迎来了激增。 Besides what has been arranged by your schools as your study routine, what can you gain from online learning? Online courses can offer you a good experience for self-learning. 除了学校安排的日常学习任务之外,你在线学习还能得到哪些收获呢?网课能带给你不错的自学经验。 To successfully learn online, you need to dedicate a significant amount of your time, consistently attend the program, concentrate while studying and fully stick to your learning process, just as you would do for a regular course. 在线学习要想取得好效果,你需要投入大量时间坚持上课,学习时要集中注意力,完全遵循自己的学习计划,就像平常上课时那样。 To stay on track with your online course, always keep in mind what you hope to complete by the end of it. Make a goal. Estimate how much time each task will take to complete. Keep detailed notes and review them often. 要想按计划完成网课,你要始终牢记自己对于课程结束后的预期成果。设立一个目标,预估完成每个任务所需的时间,做好详细的笔记并经常进行复习。 A study plan is important to online learning. First, you need to plan ahead with a good calendar system. Online learning needs to be well organized. Create a study calendar that will help you remember all the important dates like online exams or deadlines for your assignments. A to-do list is useful to prioritize your study plan and to stay on track with your studying. 在线学习的过程中,学习计划发挥着重要作用。首先,你需要提前计划好一个合理的日程表。在线学习要求条理清晰,安排一个学习日程表将帮助你记住所有重要日期,如线上测验、上交作业的截止日期等。任务清单能帮助你给自己的学习计划按照优先度排序,从而按计划完成学习任务。 When you feel yourself losing concentration, consider taking a short break or stopping for the night. It is better to wait until you are able to start afresh rather than waste your time trying to focus. 如果你发现自己无法集中注意力,不如休息一下,或者晚上再继续学习。最好是等到你自己调整好状态再继续学习,而不是在努力集中注意力的过程中浪费时间。