

2020-03-27    22'47''

主播: 海绵MBA

178 0

真题例句 • although • Although electric cars are still a rarity on roads now, this massive investment could change the picture rapidly in coming years. (2018 年阅读理解 text2) 【译文】虽然电动汽车现在在道路上仍然很少见,但这笔巨额投资可能会在未来几年迅 速改变这一局面。 • though • Though often viewed as a problem for western states, the growing frequency of wildfires is a national concern because of its impact on federal tax dollars, says Professor Max Moritz, a specialist in fire ecology and management. (2017 年阅读理解 text4) 【译文】火灾生态学和消防管理学专家马克斯·莫里兹(Max Moritz)教授指出,尽管 森林大火被认为是西部各州的灾祸,但因为其对于联邦税收的影响,火灾事故频发已经 成为全国关注的问题。 • even though • Looking back, he is struck that his parents could provide a comfortable life for their children even though neither had completed college when he was young. (2016 年真题阅读 text4) 【译文】当他回想起自己年幼时,他惊讶于父母虽然都没有受过高等教育,却可以给自 己的孩子们提供衣食无忧的生活。 • even if • It doesn’t feel like a human or democratic relationship,even if both sides benefit. (2018 年阅读理解 text3) 【译文】即使双方都受益,它也不会感觉像人类或民主关系。
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