105.First Post-epidemic Trip

105.First Post-epidemic Trip

2020-05-08    08'17''

主播: 海绵MBA

146 0

First Post-epidemic Trip As China slowly eases lockdown restrictions and life returns to somewhat normal conditions, residents have once again started traveling. From the Bund waterfront in Shanghai to scenic Huangshan Mountain park in the Anhui province, major landmarks across the country welcomed thousands of visitors over the weekend. 随着中国逐渐放松封锁限制,生活在一定程度上回归正轨,民众又开始旅游了。从上海外滩到安徽黄山,上周末,中国各地的主要景点都迎来了成千上万的游客。 But an uptick in domestic sight-seeing doesn't necessarily mean international travel will rebound as quickly, at least, not according to a recent study conducted by the Ctrip.com Group, China's largest online travel agency. Roughly 77% of those surveyed said they would prefer a domestic destination for their first post-epidemic trip, citing "the severe virus situation overseas" as one of the main considerations when choosing a destination. 但是国内观光人数的增长并不意味着国外旅游也会迅速恢复, 至少,中国最大的在线旅行社—携程网最近开展的一项调查也是这样显示的。约77%的受访者称,疫情后的第一次旅游他们更愿意选择境内旅游地,并提及“海外的严重疫情”是他们考虑的主要因素之一。 Both the Ctrip.com and Oliver Wyman surveys found that concerns about safety and ease of travel are top of mind. "Chinese travelers want to feel safe and virus-free at each touchpoint along the journey," says Katie Sham, a principal of Oliver Wyman. "They want to make sure that the hotels and the restaurants they choose are frequently sanitized, with hygiene being the top priority of the staff." 携程和奥利弗·怀曼(Oliver Wyman)的调查都发现,游客最关注的是旅游的安全和闲适。奥纬的一名负责人凯蒂·沙姆(Katie Sham)说:“中国游客希望在旅途中感觉安全,触及之处都没有病毒。他们想要确保自己选择的酒店和餐厅都经常消毒,工作人员把卫生放在首要位置。” In addition, many travelers will prefer easy, short trips. According to the Ctrip.com survey, the most popular style of travel will be independent, self-guided trips and smaller group tours. 此外,许多游客倾向于选择轻松的短途游。根据携程的这项调查,最受欢迎的旅游形式是独立的自助游以及小规模的跟团游。