

2020-05-26    07'15''

主播: 海绵MBA

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On-line Movies may also be Eligible for The Academy Awards The Oscars are making what's described as a one-time-only concession by allowing movies initially made available via streaming or video on demand to compete for best picture in next year's awards. 奥斯卡奖做出了可以说是“仅此一次”的妥协:允许在流媒体或通过视频点播平台首播的电影竞争明年的奥斯卡奖最佳影片。 The decision came from the board for the group that presides over the Academy Awards, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, also made several other changes to the awards process, among them the consolidation of sound editing and sound mixing into one "sound" category. 这项决定是由奥斯卡金像奖的主办单位——美国电影艺术与科学学院做出的,该学院还对评奖流程做了几个其他改动,其中包括将最佳音效剪辑和最佳音响效果合为一个最佳音效奖。 The Academy cited the forced closure of theaters due to the Covid-19 pandemic, noting that only movies with a "previously planned theatrical release" would be eligible. Previously, films needed to have at least a week-long theatrical run in order to qualify for consideration. 学院声称做出这一决定是因为新冠肺炎疫情导致影院被迫关门,并指出只有“原本计划在影院上映”的电影才有资格参加奥斯卡奖评选。而以前,那些电影需要在影院至少上映一周才有资格参选。 Director Steven Spielberg, among other high-profile members, has spoken out about maintaining the distinction between streaming and theatrical releases. 导演斯蒂芬·斯皮尔伯格和其他知名人士曾经公开表示过要保持流媒体电影和影院放映电影之间的差别。 The date for the 93rd annual Academy Awards remains Feb. 28 of next year, although the Academy acknowledged that additional changes might be necessary, "based on national guidelines, state-mandated government orders and Academy-determined best practices." “基于国家的指导意见、国家规定的政令和院方决定的最佳做法”, 即便学院承认可能有必要做出额外变动,但明年的第93届奥斯卡奖年度颁奖礼仍然在2月28日举行。 The Academy also announced that the current award season will be the last in which studios are allowed to distribute DVD screeners to voters. Citing environmental concerns, distribution will shift to digital versions in 2021. 学院还宣布,这个颁奖季将是最后一次允许将预览版光盘发给评委,院方称,基于环保考虑,2021年将改为数字化分发方式。