【毕业特辑】长相忆 Memories · Sally

【毕业特辑】长相忆 Memories · Sally

2015-06-24    12'47''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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本期主播:Sally-2015应届毕业生 本期文章: 长相忆 Memories 录制地点: 广东 广州 夏天是适合告别的,我们可以穿上最好看的衣服,用最美好的模样去拍合照,记忆不像春天那样潮湿,也不像冬天那样干冷——要毕业了呢。 毕——业——舌尖呢喃这两个字,就只是两个普通的词字,如果要展开什么感想,好像太让人因为矫情而不好意思了。可是,原谅我们吧,如果这时候不说点愁意,就太不像话了。 作为一位正在经历毕业的主播,Sally给你们带来了她的故事与愁绪。 她的学校-江西师范大学,里有种了金柳和睡莲的静湖,湖里还有一群野天鹅;有一到春天就开满了花的樱桃树;有一群共同生活了4年而难分难舍的好友。来,听听她的故事。相信正在经历毕业,或者已经毕业的你都会懂的。 Memories 长相忆 作者:Sally Will you remember the ginkgo around the campus ? They looked gorgeous in fall when they turn golden. 你们会不会记得满校园的银杏树?它们在秋天的时候变得金碧辉煌,是那么的好看。 Will you remember the willows by the riverside? We used to loved to wander around the river , especially after a sudden rainstorm which touches off a muddy earth scent. 你们会不会记得河边的金柳?我们过去常常在雨后绕着河堤散步,闻着那泥土的清香。 Will you remember our favourite desk in the library, our favourite professor, our favourite bistro ? Will you remember the times we share our lives? 你们会不会记得我们在图书馆最爱坐的位子?我们最喜欢的教授呢?我们最常去的小餐馆呢?你们会记得吗?会记得那些我们共享的时光吗? Will you remember there were always guys expressing their love to the girls under our dorm. Well ,as what was called “single dog”,We always loved to whistled and joked to them. 你们会不会记得我们宿舍楼下每隔一段时间就有的告白戏码?我们几个单身狗总是那么饶有趣味地围观和起哄。 Will you remember how we crammed all night long at the end of each semester ?But the funny thing was 80% of the final exam questions will be based on the one lecture you missed and the one book you hadn’t read. 你们会不会记得我们是如何废寝忘食地通宵复习期末考试?当然,我们看过的往往不考。 Will you remember those stories we share in our bedtime cha t? Those stories contained our love our hate ,our joy ,our grief ,our hyperbole and our frustration. 你们会不会记得我们在卧谈会上讲过的故事?那些有爱有恨有笑有泪有轻狂有沮丧的故事? Will you remember the night after our farewell dinner, when the streetlights flicker on and the city went quiet, we grabbed a few beers and visited every corner on our campus ?We sang ,we shouted ,we laughed ,and we cried. 你们会不会记得那晚在毕业酒会之后,华灯初上,城市寂静,我们拎起几瓶啤酒满校园里逛?我们唱歌,大喊,大笑,大哭。 Will you remember them ? Will you? Will you remember those thousands of days we spent together ? 你们会不会记得这些事情?会吗?你们会记得我们一起度过的那数千个日夜吗? I know you all will ,just like I do. 我知道你们会的,像我一样。 I remember the first time we met 4 years ago.”Wow ,these girls are horrible ,I can’t believe I have to stay with them for my whole college life”I thought and had no idea that my friendship with you would add spice to my dorm life. 我记得四年前我们第一次见面,“天呐,我竟然要和她们一起住四年”,我这样想。谁知道日后你们给我带来了这么多欢乐呢。 I also remember the day I left when I graduate .You called me when I got on the train ,you said nothing ,just snivelling and snuffling .And I also keep my quietness .As the silence between us widened a voice inside my heart said: that’s it ,it’s all over ,my best time’s over. Goodbye. 我也记得毕业那天我离开,等到我上了火车后你们给我打电话,一句话都说不出,只是在那里哭。我便也沉默了下来。在那哭泣声中我心里有一个声音在说,就这样了。就这样了吧,我最好的时光,再见了。 Goodbye ,my friend s. Great wishes and expectations for you. 再见,我的朋友们,愿你们前程远大岁月美好。 Goodbye ,my best time of life .Those wonderful days will always be embedded in my heart . 再见,我最好的时光,那些流金岁月将永存我心底。 Goodbye. 再见。 垫乐: 时间都去哪儿了(钢琴纯音乐版) 纯音乐-毕业 口哨 明天会更好(钢琴纯音乐版) 甄妮-最后的玫瑰 主播:Sally | 制作,发行:永清 文字及垫乐归作者或版权方所有 图片源于网络 为你读英语美文,Read English for You 微信公众号:为你读英语美文