

2016-09-16    04'08''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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关注微信公众号:为你读英语美文,获得更完整的原文,音乐资料 主播:雄叔 绘本:An Adventure for Robo-dog 机器狗历险记 作者:Pat Thomson hapter 5 Night Rescue An enormous owl sat on a branch above them. It stared down at them with huge eyes. Teddy saw its hooked beak. Worst of all were its feet. One set of sharp talons held on to the branch. The other clutched Jilly. Her eyes were shut. Rob whirred. He did not say, "No problem." "Go away!" shouted Teddy The owl lifted its big wings and hissed. It glared at Teddy. Then it blinked and turned its head. Teddy looked at Rob&`&s light. The owl did not seem to like the brightness. It was then that Teddy had his best idea. He whispered to Rob. Rob nodded and started to talk. "Hi there. Good evening. I think you may have made a mistake." The owl did not move. "I expect you think you have a mouse there," Rob went on. "Now, I have to tell you something. Mice do not wear sparkly dresses. No, sir!" As Rob talked, Teddy got hold of a branch. He started to climb. So that was what his claws were for! He moved very quietly. He climbed higher and higher. Soon, he was just under the owl’s branch. Poor Jilly hung down from the owl&`&s talons. Teddy saw her open one eye. She let one hand drop towards him. She gave a tiny nod. "Now!" shouted Teddy, and he roared a grizzly bear roar. He almost frightened himself Rob turned his light straight into the owl&`&s eyes. Teddy grabbed Jilly&`&s hand and pulled. Jilly kicked hard. The owl raised its big wings. Then it flapped away. Jilly and Teddy tumbled down through the leaves. They sat on the ground. AII three had a big hug until they felt better. "You see?" said Rob. "No problem." The sky looked lighter. "Time to go home," said Teddy &`&I’ve had an adventure at last," said Jilly. "You were brave, Teddy." "Me?" said Teddy. He was amazed. They trudged slowly across the lawn "I shall never get through that cat flap again," sighed Teddy. Rob pointed to an open window. "You&`&re a great climber, Teddy. Go through that window. You’ll miss out the stairs, too." When Ben woke, the toys were back in the toy box. He went straight to find Rob. He did not notice Jilly, but he did notice Teddy. "Yuk! Teddy," he said. "You&`&re all damp." He sat him on the radiator "Come on, Rob." He ran downstairs. &`&I’m just going to have a snooze," said Teddy. It was lovely and warm on the radiator. "Adventures do wear you out, don&`&t they?" "They do," said Jilly. "Will you be all right, up there?" "No problem," said Teddy, sleepily. 学习秘诀: ①:闭眼听完,理解故事,遇生词先甭管,继续往后听; ②:快速阅读,验证你听到和看到的剧情是否不搭嘎; ③:对照文字再次听故事,这次要注意细节,生词。帅的人都能通过情节和配图猜出生词,先大胆猜,再去问度娘确认。 ④:反复听音频听到吐,并尝试跟读。 ⑤:脱离音频,自行朗读。想装逼就背诵全文。 整个过程可以在葛优躺的沙发上、在公交地铁里、在洗手间内...可以在ANYWHERE完成!但多数人就是宁可懒死也不肯开金口说英语,这就是为啥成功者只有那么一小撮~ 主播介绍 雄叔:坐标上海,配音,播音重度爱好者,从事互联网教育工作的他经营者自己的微信公众号:熊孩子聚集地 策划,主播:雄叔,制作: 永清 节目使用的文章,音乐,图片均用于非商业信息传递,版权归作者或版权方所有。如作品存在不当使用的情况,请作者或版权方联系我们协商授权事宜。 微信公众号:为你读英语美文 官方新浪微博:@为你读英语美文