【致孩子】One Inch Tall 一英尺高 · 李楠

【致孩子】One Inch Tall 一英尺高 · 李楠

2017-03-16    01'48''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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关注微信公众号:为你读英语美文,查看更完整的图文,背景音乐信息 主播:李楠 坐标:香港 One Inch Tall 《一英尺高》,来自Shel Silverstein,送给所有的孩子。 One Inch Tall By Shel Silverstein If you were only one inch tall, you&`&d ride a worm to school. 倘若你只有一寸高,便能骑着一条小虫去上学。 The teardrop of a crying ant would be your swimming pool. 蚂蚁哭泣时的一滴泪将成为你的游泳池。 A crumb of cake would be a feast 一点蛋糕屑能变成一场盛宴, And last you seven days at least, 足够你至少吃上七天, A flea would be a frightening beast 一只跳蚤就会是一头可怕的猛兽, If you were one inch tall. 倘若你只有一寸高。 If you were only one inch tall, you&`&d walk beneath the door, 倘若你只有一寸高,便能穿越门下的缝隙, And it would take about a month to get down to the store. 而要行至商店则需要花上一个月的时间, A bit of fluff would be your bed, 一小撮绒毛能变成你的温床, You&`&d swing upon a spider&`&s thread, 你能在一根蜘蛛丝上玩秋千, And wear a thimble on your head 头上戴着顶针作为头盔, If you were one inch tall. 倘若你只有一寸高。 You&`&d surf across the kitchen sink upon a stick of gum. 你能乘着一块口香糖在厨房的水池里冲浪。 You couldn&`&t hug your mama, you&`&d just have to hug her thumb. 但你无法拥抱妈妈,你只能拥抱她的拇指。 You&`&d run from people&`&s feet in fright, 你会惊恐地逃离人们的脚丫, To move a pen would take all night, 你需要花上一整夜的时间来搬动一支钢笔, (This poem took fourteen years to write-- &`&Cause I&`&m just one inch tall). (而写下这首诗则须花上十四年----- 因为我只有一寸高) 【垫乐】 龙猫-贵族乐团 【主播介绍】 李楠:儿子,丈夫,父亲 主播, 制作: 李楠 | 编辑: 永清 图片源于网络 文字,音乐版权归作者或版权方所有