

2017-04-01    05'52''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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14年前的4月1日,时年46岁的张国荣离开了我们,从此愚人节多了一层意义。 14年前的4月1日,时年46岁的张国荣离开了我们,从此愚人节多了一层意义。 斯人已逝,我们仍在哥哥的电影和歌声里,获得快乐,获得感动,获得温暖,获得启发… 你或许看过哥哥的《霸王别姬》,《倩女幽魂》,《阿飞正传》,《春光乍泄》,《东邪西毒》…. 你或许听过哥哥的《我》,《风继续吹》,《当爱已成往事》,《沉默是金》,《当年情》…. 但你听过哥哥的英文演讲和英文歌吗? 在这个特别的日子里,我们把哥哥2000年出任“CASH音乐形象大使”时的英文演讲,和哥哥演唱的英文歌Good Morning Sorrow做成音频,让我们一起致敬,缅怀哥哥! 【演讲原文】 https://v.qq.com/x/page/u0389oqc17n.html I&`&m not very good in words so I have to put it all in black and white. 我不擅于言辞,所以准备了讲稿。 Mr. Barnett and all the guests of honour, 尊敬的Barnett先生和各位来宾: I am honoured to have been made CASH Ambassador. Music is a very important part in any culture and I am sure all of us here will agree that we must keep our culture alive and thriving. This is particularly important for a place like Hong Kong, where most people are busy working for money and fame, culture will help us maintain a balance of lives. 我很荣幸被选为CASH音乐大使。音乐是任何一种文化的重要组成部分,相信在座每一位都会同意,我们必须保持文化的繁荣兴旺。尤其在香港这样一个地方,人们都在忙于追逐名利,文化可以帮助保持生活的平衡。 Because of this belief, I, who have not been properly trained in music, have for years been trying my best to promote music, not just by singing and performing, but also by creating tunes and writing lyrics for songs. I enjoy doing this and I think that, in a small way, I am contributing to the music and the culture of Hong Kong. I also believe that it is important for artist to be creative and so I have been working hard to create new ways of entertaining and even setting new trends. 基于这个信念,虽然没有经过音乐的专业训练,我一直尽己所能地推广音乐,不仅唱歌表演,也作曲作词。我很喜欢这些工作,我想这也是我在为香港的音乐和文化作一点贡献。我也相信,对于艺术工作者来说,创新是必不可少的。因此,我一直努力创造新的娱乐形式,并尝试引导新的潮流。 My recent concerts which have been described as controversial are examples of my efforts in this direction. They have attracted many favourable comments as well as some criticisms. I think that is fine and I will continue to be creative. I know all of you will approve and do the same. Thank you! 例如我最近的演唱会(指2000年的热情演唱会)就是这样的尝试,这个演唱会被人描述为“充满争议的”,有人赞扬,也引来批评。我觉得这样很好,我还会继续努力。我相信这点上你们都会赞同,也会同样努力。谢谢! Last but not the least, music is our profession and our livelihood and the works we have created should be protected from piracy. Unfortunately, advanced information technology has helped aggregate this situation, causing many problems and threatening the livelihood of many artists. I wish to use this opportunity to call upon all the artists to unite in a campaign against piracy. In fact, I consider this one of the most important missions for the CASH Ambassador and I will dedicate my effort to this. 最后想说的是,音乐是我们的职业和谋生手段,我们的劳动成果应该受到保护。令人遗憾的是,先进的信息技术加剧了盗版现象,带来许多问题并威胁到艺术工作者的生计。我希望借这个机会,呼吁我们所有的艺术工作者联合起来,反对盗版。我也把这个作为CASH音乐大使的其中一项重要的使命,并将致力于此。 Thank you very much!  非常感谢各位! 【英文歌词】 Good Morning Sorrow 唱:张国荣 I wake up with the sun 我从睡梦中苏醒 in the morning 伴随着清晨的阳光 And once again 再一次 I find you&`&re with me and I know 我发现你陪伴在我身边 我知道 you&`&re the only one 你是唯一一个 who can help to make it easy 能让我不再跌入迷惘的人 So here we are 就这样 you and I 你和我 good morning sorrow 早安 忧伤 Just like before I lean on you 就像从前 我依靠着你 You&`&re the one friend who&`&s true 你是我情谊真挚的朋友 Who needs answers 当缘分已尽 when there&`&s nothing left to say 又何须多言 Why should I hear it all again 请不要再继续叮咛 How times easies pain 时间治愈悲伤的良药 When nothing can bring back yesterday 当昨日的欢笑已回不来 I wake up with the sun 我从睡梦中苏醒 in the morning 伴随着清晨的阳光 Leave the phone off the hook 不去挂断响着不停的电话 so I&`&m busy all day long 这样显得我不得清闲 The coffee&`&s growing cold 咖啡渐渐变凉 my books lie unopened 我的书也始终未翻开 Here we are 我们 once again 又一次 good morning sorrow 早安 忧伤 Just like before I lean on you 就像从前 我依靠着你 My friend you never knew 我的朋友 你从不知晓 What if feels like 如此爱恋 to be in love this way 是怎么一番滋味 Maybe the years will heal the pain 或许时光能够治疗创伤 Maybe I&`&ll even love again 或许我甚至再次心动 But nothing can bring back yesterday 但是昨日的欢笑已回不来 Just like before I lean on you 就像从前 我依靠着你 My friend you never knew 我的朋友 你从不知晓 What if feels like 如此爱恋 to be in love this way 是怎么一番滋味 Maybe the years will heal the pain 或许时光能够治疗创伤 Maybe I&`&ll even love again 或许我甚至再次心动 But nothing can bring back yesterday 但是昨日的欢笑已回不来 Nothing can bring back yesterday 昨日的欢笑已回不来 图片源于网络 文字,音乐版权归作者或版权方所有 微信公众号:为你读英语美文 官方新浪微博:@为你读英语美文