亚裔女孩的中国情结 · 娇娇

亚裔女孩的中国情结 · 娇娇

2017-04-06    17'45''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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【关注公众号:为你读英语美文】节目首发;原文,垫乐信息更完整 【第191期】 主播:娇娇 (8岁) 坐标:美国 · 芝加哥 【引言】 2017年初,我们收到了一封来自大洋彼岸的信: “这里是芝加哥时间晚上11点,考虑了好久决定给你们写这封信,因为偏偏爱上了“为你读英语美文”。看到主播都是年轻的,充满活力的在校学生,很希望我的女儿-娇娇 / Nina Zhan,也能加入到你们的节目中去….” 随信,我们听到了一个天籁般的声音,纯正的发音,充满温度的文字和朗读…仿佛可以感受到这位8岁女孩对生活的热爱。 我们和娇娇,娇娇的妈妈,隔着13个小时的时差,讨论做什么主题, 反复修改稿子,录音,后期…我们得知,为了练好中文,娇娇读了很多很多遍…我们也被娇娇止于至善的精神感动。 在这期节目里,娇娇想和大家分享一篇自己的原创《亚裔女孩的中国情结》,也许,这也代表了许许多多像娇娇一样的亚裔孩子的中国情结。 【正文】 My Chinese Complex 亚裔女孩的中国情结 作者:娇娇,翻译:京京 Summer break is coming… a most exciting moment will approach. I will go to China again! Yes, going to China! 暑假临近了,让我激动无比的事要到来了,我又要去中国了!对,是去中国! For my mom, this is called going BACK to China, but for me as an American-born kid, this is called -- Going to China! 对妈妈来说,这是回国,而对我这个在美国出生的人来说,应该是叫--去 中 国。 I was born to an Asian family in the United States. Due to my mom’s work and business, she found a Nanny from Beijing, China, to take care of me once I was born, because my mom wanted to make sure my Chinese pronunciation was standard from a young age. 我出生在美国芝加哥的华裔家庭里。由于妈妈工作忙,听说在我出生的时候,妈妈专门给我找了一个从北京来的阿姨照顾我,为的是确保我的中文发音从幼儿时期就是准确的,尽管我只是个婴儿。 My grandma also lived with us at that time. My relationship with my grandmother became super awesome. I often squeezed next to my grandma, listening to her childhood stories about China. At that time, I developed curiosity and intimacy toward China. 外婆当时和我们一起住在美国,我和外婆关系很铁,经常挤在外婆身边,听外婆讲她小时候在中国的故事,还有妈妈小时候在中国的故事。那个时候,我就开始对中国充满了好奇感和亲切感了。 In 2nd grade, my teacher asked the class to write a comparison paper between "Modern American School and Grandparents’ Old School.” Without any hesitation, I quickly wrote out my grandmother&`&s “Girls School” in the early 50&`&s in China and made great comparisons between the schools in the United States. 在小学二年级的时候,老师让我们写一篇--当今美国学校和当年外公外婆学校的对比文章。我洋洋洒洒的写下了中国50 年代初,外婆的“女子学校”的介绍,与现在美国学校做了一一对比。 In the paper, due to strong personal and emotional facts, I made the final conclusion: My grandmother&`&s old Chinese school and the schools in the U.S were both excellent! My teacher didn’t comment on my point of view, but in the class, she praised me for my writing being so detailed, amazed that my understanding of China was very profound. 由于加上了我个人强烈的感情因素,我在文中最后总结道:通过以上事实对比,外婆当时旧中国的学校和美国现在的学校是一样的优秀!老师不对我的观点妄加评议,只是在班上称赞我写的如此详细,感叹我对中国的了解非常之深。 Going to China in the summer has been one of my many journeys since the age of three. Although I am only eight years old now, a little kid like me has already traveled to more than a dozen cities in the U.S. and some other countries. Reminiscing on all of them, I have to say going to China is my favorite trip, because my grandparents are there, whom I miss so much; There are also many more relatives for me to visit; There are "hometown" delicious foods only in China that I can taste as well. 暑假去中国是我从三岁起开始的旅途。虽然小小的我,在8年里跑遍了美国十几个城市,还去过其他国家,但是去中国是我的情有独钟。因为那里有我朝思暮想的外公,外婆,那里有更多家人亲情的聚拥,那里有在美国不能品尝到的“家乡”美味,那里留有我的爸爸妈妈曾经走过的足迹。 I was very happy every day in China, not just "happy"; I should use the word "exciting" to describe my feelings. (My teacher always told us to express our mood using accurate words.) Traveling with loved ones is always "exciting.” The day is always so short; the schedule is always so full. 我在中国的每一天都是开心的,不只是“开心”,应该是用“激动”来形容。老师总告诉我们表达心情用词要准确!有亲人相聚的旅行永远是“激动”的。日子总是那么短暂,行程永远是满满的。 I still remember the last time I was leaving China. In the airport, my grandpa told me, "China has too many places to go, I was afraid you are too young to travel to so many places. Next year, you will become bigger, so I will take you to see more places. " 记得上一次离开中国,送机的时候,外公说:“中国有太多要去的地方了,怕你太小跑不动,没敢给你多安排,明年大一点儿了,带你去更多的地方。” My grandma said, "Your mom always arranges the schedule so tightly. Next year, ask your mom to stay longer in China.” I nodded my head and tried to hold back my tears so as not to cry. I wanted them to remember my nice, cute, smiling face. 外婆说:“你妈妈总把时间安排的那么紧,下次来多呆一些日子。” 我点点头,忍住不哭,我要让他们记得我可爱的样子。 My life is always happy and busy in the U.S. Happy and busy makes me enjoy routine life in the U.S. and soon forgetting my more emotional thoughts of China. But, at some points, deeply in my heart, I have something to hide... 我在美国的生活是快乐的,是忙碌的。快乐和忙碌会使我很快又回归到,在美国的日常生活中,而淡忘了那些思念,但是到某时,心里就会有一份割不断的亲情 ... Time is flying; summer break is coming; I will go to China again; and I will still fill my suitcase with thick English novels. My diary of my trip to China will still be use my first language-English to write my thoughts. 快了,暑假快要到了,我又要去中国了,我的箱子里依旧会装上厚厚的英语小说,我的日记里依然会用英语母语写下我的中国之旅 The United States and China have become one family for me, and I feel more and more blurred about the borders of the countries. That is me, an American born Asian girl with a Chinese complex! 美国和中国对我而言已经成为一个家庭,我对国界的感觉越来越模糊,这就是我,一个在美国出生的,亚裔女孩的中国情结 Life is not a destination, but a journey. 生命不是终点,而是旅程。 【主播介绍】 娇娇出生在美国芝加哥,今年 8岁。在美国,除了学习以外,主要爱好是花滑运动,每天放学后娇娇都会到冰上去训练,迄今为止,娇娇获得过3次花样溜冰冠军。 娇娇的母语是英语,不过娇娇也非常喜欢中文,曾在芝加哥的中文朗诵比赛中获得过第一名。 除了运动以外,娇娇还酷爱写作。在今年获得了“全美学生诗歌写作比赛”第一名,获奖诗歌将发表在美国的“Imagine” 诗集里。 另外,娇娇也获得过“芝加哥校区数学个人竞赛”第一名。 娇娇 / Nina Zhan的更多节目和原创,请关注: 荔枝FM:1949567 / 美语中文阅读 我的博客:http://ninazhan.blogspot.com 【垫乐】 贵族乐团 - 永远同在 爸爸去哪儿-文武贝钢琴版 虫儿飞-文武贝钢琴版 童年-文武贝钢琴版 送别 - 口琴伴奏版 主播:娇娇 , 制作 | 编辑: 永清 部分图片源于网络 文字版权归作者Nina Zhan所有 垫乐归版权方所有 微信公众号:为你读英语美文 官方新浪微博:@为你读英语美文