纯享版 | 飞屋环游记 · 永清

纯享版 | 飞屋环游记 · 永清

2018-10-25    04'07''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文·第283期:你是我一生中最华丽的冒险 | 为你读《飞屋环游记》 主播:永清 《飞屋环游记》节选 作者: 美国迪士尼公司 版权方: 华东理工大学出版社有限公司 They worked on the house every day, and the days turned into weeks. Sometimes they took a break. 卡尔和艾莉日复一日地对房子进行着改造、翻新工作,一干就是好几个星期。偶尔,他们也会忙里偷闲,休息一下。 They would sit in two comfy chairs that were placed side by side in the living room. Other times they would climb to the top of their favorite hill and have a picnic. 有时,他们会坐在客厅里并排的舒适扶手椅上。有时,他们会爬上两人最喜爱的小山坡去野餐。 They liked to lie in the grass, stare up at the sky, and watch the clouds transform into different shapes, like turtles and elephants. 卡尔和艾莉喜欢躺在草坪上,望着天空,看着云朵变幻,形状万千,一会儿像海龟,一会儿像大象。 Ellie got a job at the local zoo, taking care of the animals in the South America House. Carl worked at the zoo, too. He sold balloons from a cart.艾莉在当地的动物园里找了份工作,负责照料南美洲馆的动物。卡尔也在动物园工作,不过,他是推着手推车卖气球。 Sometimes Carl had so many balloons, the cart would rise right off the ground! 有时候,卡尔携带的气球太多,它们的浮力会把车子轻微抬起,脱离地面。 The weeks turned into months. Ellie and Carl looked through her adventure book and dreamed of traveling to Paradise Falls. Ellie painted a lovely picture of their house atop the tepui. 几个月过去了。艾莉和卡尔翻看着艾莉的探险书,梦想着有一天能到天堂瀑布去旅行。艾莉画了一幅美好的画——在特普伊山的平顶上,坐落着他们的房子。 They hung the picture over the fireplace. Carl added a poster of South America. Ellie put up a hand-woven rug, a piece of pottery, and a figurine of a tropical bird. 他们把这幅画挂在壁炉上方。卡尔在画的旁边挂了一幅南美洲的海报。艾莉又挂上了一块手工编织的小毯子,摆了一件陶器和一只热带鸟的雕像。 For the finishing touch, Carl placed a toy blimp on the mantel and a glass jar on the table. A label on the jar read PARADISE FALLS. Carl and Ellie tossed their spare change into the jar whenever they could. 卡尔把一架玩具飞船放到壁炉架上,还在桌上放了一只玻璃瓶,这为他们的装饰工作画上了休止符。玻璃瓶上的标签写着四个字:天堂瀑布。一有机会,卡尔和艾莉就把零钱投进瓶子里存起来。 But they never had much money. And they always seemed to need to spend the money they had—a new tire for the car, a cast for Carl’s broken leg, a new roof for the house. But Carl and Ellie didn’t worry. They knew they would get to South America someday. 但他们并没有存下多少钱。因为他们总有很多地方需要花钱——为车子换新轮胎,为卡尔摔断的腿打石膏,为房子更换新屋顶……但卡尔和艾莉并不担心。因为他们相信,总有一天他们会到南美洲去。 The months turned into years. 时间过得飞快,一转眼,几年过去了 Carl sold his balloons, and Ellie cared for the zoo animals. At night, they danced in the living room. They always had fun together. 卡尔还在卖气球,艾莉仍在动物园里照料动物。晚上,他们就在客厅里跳舞。只要两人在一起,他们总是很开心。 One day, when they had been married more than thirty years, Carl realized that they had been waiting long enough. He decided to surprise Ellie. 结婚三十多年后的一天,卡尔意识到他们已经等得太久了。他决定给艾莉一个惊喜。 He bought two plane tickets to South America and tucked them into a picnic basket. But when they were on the way up their favorite hill, Ellie fell down. 于是,他买了两张飞往南美洲的机票,并把它们塞进了野餐篮里。但是,在两人一起攀登他们最喜爱的那座小山坡时,艾莉摔倒了。 Ellie went to the hospital, and for a while it looked as if she might get better. But she didn’t. Instead, Carl went to her funeral with a bouquet of blue balloons. 艾莉住进了医院,有段时间她的身体状况看起来还不错,好像很快就能痊愈。但天不如人愿,艾莉最终还是永远地离开了。卡尔带着一大束蓝色气球参加了她的葬礼。 Then he went home. For the first time since he was eight years old, Carl was completely alone. 随后卡尔回了家。这是他八岁以来,第一次孤零零的一个人。 ▎主播介绍 永清:毕业于西安外国语大学,现居北京 主播,制作:永清 文字,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有