致女性 | 我值得 · 潇雨

致女性 | 我值得 · 潇雨

2022-03-08    07'24''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文 · 第452期 主播:潇雨 “I’m worth it” It feels pretty good to say that. "我值得" 说这句话感觉很好。 “I’m worth it ” It’s magic that phrase. "我值得"这句话很神奇。 When we are younger, we often think that “worth” is all about our face, or our body shape, or how much attention we get, or how popular we are, or how many ‘likes’ you get compared to your friends. 当我们年轻的时候,我们时常认为"值得"取决于我们的脸,身材,得到多少关注,我们有多受欢迎,或者与你的朋友相比,得到了多少"点赞"。 But it’s not about any of that. “I’m worth it” is about owning your right to be you, to stand in your truth, with your body, your skin and your face, which is going to change as the years pass. That’s just a fact. 但这些都无关紧要。"我值得"是拥有成为你自己的权利,坚持你自己。你的身体,你的皮肤,你的脸,随着岁月的流逝,都会改变。这是事实。 But feeling brave enough to believe you are worth it, is something we can all help each other to do. And it’s easier said than done. We’ve all got things that we criticize in ourselves, that we sometimes want to change, or compare to others. 但是,勇敢地相信你是值得的,我们都能帮助彼此做到。说起来容易做起来难。我们总有自我批判的时刻,我们总有改变,和别人比较的时候。 Our scars and imperfections and our differences. But all of those things make us exactly who we are. And perhaps as we all walk through the world, we can show up for each other without judgment. 我们的伤疤,不完美,我们的不同,塑造了独一无二的我们。也许当我们走在世间时,我们可以不加评判地呈现出真实的自己。 Whatever our differences and however your identify, because in unity, and with acceptance, we can be greater together. Being you. Being authentically you is all that matters. And that’s worth it. 无论我们的差异如何,身份如何,有了团结和接纳,我们就能一起变得更好。做你自己,做真实的你自己才是最重要的。这就是值得。 So looking into the mirror. However you are right now, whatever your hung-ups, or your goals might be, put them aside for one second. And let’s try this together. Take a moment. Say to yourself “I’m worth it. ” Say it again. “I’m worth it. ” Because you are. 所以看着镜子。无论你此刻的状态如何, 还有多少悬而未决的事情,你的目标是什么,把这些都先放在一边。让我们一起试着,花点时间,对自己说“我值得”。再说一次“我值得。”因为你真的值得。 文本来源:凯特·温斯莱特女性励志短片《我值得》,翻译:永清 主播介绍 潇雨:毕业于中南民族大学,就职于国家电网 文章,音乐,图片非商业用途,版权归作者或版权方所有 我们生活在世界各地,从事不同职业,为你读我们喜欢的美文。