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主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文 · 第512期 主播:雲昊 录制地点:西安 小时候我喜欢和蓓蒂一起爬屋顶,瓦片温热,眼里是半个卢湾区,蓓蒂是我的邻居,喜欢弹钢琴,当时只有4岁,那样的午后是我对童年永远的记忆,时光如水,把人和事带来又一并带走,这些年被带走的又何止蓓蒂一个。 大暑之后必要大寒。一定记住,这是规律。 After the period of Great Heat comes the inevitable Great Cold. Bear this in mind as an inviolable law. 外行看门面,内行看后门。 Outsiders judge by appearances, insiders by what lies behind the scenes. 你以为吃的是龙虾,实际上吃的是机会,一只龙虾就是一个机会。不是在应酬,就是在求人。 What you perceive as indulging in lobster is, in reality, partaking of opportunity; each lobster represents a chance. It's not merely socializing but often seeking favors. 凡事,总要留一手。 In all things, always keep a backup plan. 纽约的帝国大厦晓得吧?从底下跑到屋顶,要一个钟头,从屋顶跳下来,只要八点八秒,这就是股票。想从股票上赚钱,先学会输。 Know the Empire State Building in New York? It takes an hour to run up from the bottom to the top, yet only 8.8 seconds to fall from the roof – such is the nature of stocks. To make money from stocks, first learn to lose. 上海人做生意,讲究派头、噱头、苗头。 Shanghainese in business value style, novelty, and promising signs. 一个男人应该有多少个钱包?三只。第一只就是你实际有多少钱。第二只就是你的信用,人家钱包里的钞票你可以调动多少。第三只就是人家认为你有多少钱。 How many wallets should a man have? Three. The first contains your actual wealth. The second represents your credit, the amount of cash in others' wallets that you can mobilize. The third signifies the perception of your wealth by others. 只有看到未来,才会有未来。 Only by envisioning the future can one create a future. 首饰跟男人一样,将就不如不要。 Jewelry, much like men, is better avoided altogether than settled for less. 男女之事,源自天地时利,差一分一厘,就是空门。 The intricacies between men and women derive from favorable time and place; any slight deviation leads to emptiness. 市场永远是对的,错的只有自己。冲得太快,逃得太慢,肯定是要吃瘪。头顶在肩膀上,脚长在自己身上,只要保护好自己,机会永远比风险大。 The market is always right; the fault lies with oneself. Charging ahead too fast or retreating too slow guarantees setbacks. With one's head on one's shoulders and feet firmly planted, safeguarding oneself ensures opportunities will always outweigh risks. 做生意不是比谁赚得多,要看谁活得长,不要想着一步登天,要一步一个脚印,稳扎稳打。 Business is not about who makes the most money, but who lasts the longest. Avoid the temptation of instant success; take steady steps, firm and methodical. 做生意,首先要学会两个字:不响。不知道的,说不清楚的,没想好、没规划的,为难自己、为难别人的,都不响。做事情要留有余地,对吧。 In business, master this word first: restraint. Do not speak on matters you're unsure of, unclear about, unplanned, or those that put undue strain on yourself or others. Always leave room for maneuvering. 外贸就是借人家的鸡,生你自己的蛋,不过人家凭什么要把鸡借给你,帮你生蛋呢? Foreign trade is akin to borrowing someone else's hen to lay your eggs, but why would they lend it to you in the first place? 现在讲究市场经济,搞市场就相信市场,是一块钱吃一杯茶,还是十块钱吃一杯茶,是人家的事情。不相信市场就像我们一样,太太平平过日子。 In today's market economy, trust the market if you engage with it; whether someone pays one yuan or ten yuan for a cup of tea is their choice. Not believing in the market is like living a peaceful, uneventful life. 资本市场报仇,只会叫你什么地方来什么地方去。 The capital market deals retribution by sending you back to where you started. 心可以热,但头一定要冷。 Hearts can be passionate, but heads must remain cool. 机会面前人人平等,抓住了机会就有可能改变人生。有人乘风而起,有人半日归零。 Opportunity is equally available to all; seizing it can alter one's life trajectory. Some rise with the wind, while others see their gains vanish in half a day. 有主张、搞得定、摆得平,最后还有一点,要输得起。 Have convictions, handle situations effectively, maintain balance, and above all, be prepared to accept losses. 人嘛,总要被一样东西套牢的。不是股票,就是房子。 People are bound to be tied down by something; if not stocks, then it’s houses. 自己看自己都好得不得了,都是人家的错,其实人家看你,浑身是毛病。乐观是好的,但最坏的打算还是要做的,什么事情都要未雨绸缪。 Self-perception is often overly favorable; we blame others, but they might see us riddled with flaws. Optimism is good, but planning for the worst is essential in all things. 出人头地就是一个被人教训的过程。 Rising above the crowd is a process fraught with lessons taught by others. 口气不要比力气大。 One's boasts should not exceed their abilities. 人人心里有杆秤,什么时候可以同富贵,什么时候可以共患难,心里多少都有数的。 Each person carries an inner scale, knowing when to share prosperity and when to face adversity together. 目标从来都不遥