七月的仰慕 · Benny

七月的仰慕 · Benny

2019-02-14    08'08''

主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文·第297期 七月的仰慕 | 情人节特辑 主播:Benny 坐标:马德里 严喆在德国读博,2018年的7月,严喆在德国大学校园教学楼的池塘边看到了这样的一幕:一位俄罗斯女子坐在傍晚的池塘看着夕阳和水中的鲤鱼,此时她可能还未察觉,从教学楼的另一端,有一位男子正凝视着她,如同欣赏一幅动人的画卷。于是,严喆想象当事人的关系,写下了这篇像一幕戏剧一样的短文《七月的仰慕》。 后来,严喆邀请了Benny来读这篇短文。今天恰逢情人节,把严喆的文字,Benny的声音当做礼物送给你。如果你有爱人,希望你们有情人终成眷属。如果你还没找到爱人,先好好爱自己,然后找到爱的那个人。 He noticed her a long time ago, but was so afraid to get in touch. 他很早就注意到她,但囿于种种原因都未与她熟识。 He asked a Greek guy who is good at flirting to get him her name, so he could at least greet her with the slightest and humblest indication of affection. 于是他让认识的朋友去和女子搭讪,传递自己对女子的爱慕之心,这位来自希腊的朋友生性外向,和人打交道很有一套。 Many thought this half German, half Hungarian guy too old for a relationship with such a delightful girl who would sit by the pond of her university to feed the carp by dawn. To him, the sublime lustration of this picturesque scene insulates him from the noise of a secular world. 很多人都认为像他这样的一半德国、一半匈牙利血统的中年男子并不适合这位时常坐在学校池塘旁喂食鲤鱼的年轻女子。但对他而言,眼前这幅如画的景色足以让他远离喧嚣的浮世。 And he would declare no religion on himself. Any intrusion of it would be flippant. His mind is of course not a tabula rasa, he often thinks of the simplest action of holding her hand, the very idea of laissez faire, ironically like the capitalism he often critiqued among friends. 他对外宣称自己没有宗教信仰,任何对此的亵渎都被他熟视无睹。他并非清心寡欲,他时常幻想着自己牵起她的手,放任这思绪自由,这种放任讽刺的就像他时常在朋友面前批判的资本主义。 She is Russian and he learned that Russian girls are tough, but he could only speak German, English and his favorite French. 他仰慕的女子来自俄罗斯,他深知俄国女子都很强硬;他只精通德语和英语,当然还有他魂牵梦绕的法语,正如他对她深沉的仰慕之心。 He is deeply in love with her, like his feeling for the French language. "How could he date her! He is a middle-aged man and jobless, residing in his own small world", many would say. 很多人嘲讽的说道:“她怎么可能会和他约会!这个男人都这把年纪了,而且还没有工作,每天就蜷缩在自己的世界里。” The abeyance of his thought of this Russian girl freed him as she stood up and readied to walk away. 此时女子从教学楼旁边的池塘起身准备往回走,他也随之从对这个俄罗斯女子的想法中逃离出来。 For the first time, he said hello, with her name. She smiled back and left, as if someone was awaiting her to reunite. He glanced at the lonely pond and said to himself "laissez faire"! 第一次,他朝着女子打了个招呼,喊出了从希腊朋友那打听来的女子的名字。她简单冲他笑了笑,走开了,她步履匆匆,好像有人正等她回去团聚。 他盯着现在空空的池塘,只说了一句:“随它去吧!” Benny是加拿大人,生活在西班牙,在马德里教英语。读完文章,Benny很贴心地解释了laissez faire的意思,laissez faire是法语,“随它去吧”的意思。在读这个法语词的时候,英语母语者通常会Englihize(英语化)这个词,让这个词听起来像英语单词。同样的情况,还有Au naturel这个法语单词,是naked 的意思,也用了英语化的读法。 相信,你也会有这样的情况:你站在桥上看风景,但你也成为了别人的风景。不妨,让你的思绪飞扬,逃离片刻,在头脑里想象别人的生活,也在头脑里写出一部小小的戏剧来。 节目的最后,Benny祝福你有一个快乐,满足,健康的2019。 ▎主播介绍 Benny:出生在加拿大,现居在马德里,从事英语教学工作 ▎节目首发,背景音乐,图文资料,更多推送 敬请关注Wechat:为你读英语美文,ID:readenglishforyou