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主播: 为你读英语美文电台

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为你读英语美文·第350《湖畔冥想》 主播:DD 坐标:洛杉矶 Lakeside Meditation 湖畔冥想 作者:Mellisa Dormoy of Shamabla Kids 翻译:永清 Create a peaceful atmosphere with dim lights and a blanket. Take in a deep breath and gently close your eyes. Easily imagine these scenes while you continue to breathe in slowly and calmly. See yourself relaxing by a beautiful, calm lake. The breeze softly blows over the lake and you watch the thousands of tiny ripples it creates on the surface of the lake. 用昏暗的灯光和毯子营造一个宁静的氛围。深呼吸,轻轻闭上眼睛。缓慢而平静地吸气的同时,放松地想象这些情景:看到你自己在一个美丽,平静的湖边放松。微风轻轻地吹拂湖面,你可以看到湖面上成千上万的小涟漪。 Your surroundings here are so calm and pleasant that it brings a feeling of complete peace that washes over your entire body and mind. You breathe in deeply and allow the peacefulness to fill you. You notice the birds singing in the trees…. softly chirping and singing songs of their simple happiness. 你身处的环境是如此平静和舒心,给你带来一种完全的和平的感觉,洗涤你的整个身体和心灵。你深呼吸,让平静填满你。你注意到鸟儿在树上歌唱…轻轻的唧唧喳喳,唱着它们单纯幸福的歌。 You take the time now to release any worries, any disturbing thoughts, any sadness you may be feeling. Let those feelings float up, out and away… floating far away. Whatever has happened today that has bothered you, it is time to let that go. 现在,花点时间去释放你可能感觉到的任何忧虑,任何令人不安的想法,任何悲伤。让那些感觉飘起来,飘出去…飘得很远。不管今天发生了什么让你烦恼的事,现在是时候放手了。 Know that you are really in control of your mind and your body. You can choose to allow these bothersome emotions to leave. In doing so, you will free up space in your heart and mind for positive things to come. Life is all about creating what you want and choosing good thoughts that make you feel good. When you focus on the positive, you get more positive experiences in your life. Releasing any negative thoughts serves like an umbrella on a rainy day – sure the rain is there, but it doesn’t have to affect you. 要知道你真的控制着你的思想和身体。你可以选择让这些烦人的情绪离开。这样做,你将在你的内心和思想中腾出空间,让积极的事情发生。生活就是创造你想要的,选择让你感觉良好的想法。当你把注意力放在积极的方面时,你会在生活中获得更多积极的体验。释放任何消极的想法,就像雨天的雨伞——当然有雨,但不会影响你。 In your mind’s eye – picture yourself now in a stormy rainy situation. As you open up your umbrella of positivity, you see how you are really protected from all that is going on outside. You are safe. You don’t have to be a part of rainy difficulties. It truly is your choice how you react to whatever comes your way. Know that you have all the tools you need within, just choose to use them. You can see your life from a happy perspective. Worry, disturbing thoughts, or sadness are choices of thoughts you think, and you can simply say NO to them. 在你的脑海里-想象一下你现在正处于一个暴风雨般的雨中。当你打开积极向上的雨伞时,你就会明白你是如何得到保护,不受外面发生的一切影响的。你很安全。你并不是雨中困难的一部分。这确实是你的选择,你如何用你的方式应对。要知道你拥有所有你需要的工具,你使用就好了。你可以从一个快乐的角度来看待你的生活。忧虑、烦扰或悲伤是你所想的想法的选择,你可以简单地对它们说不。 Release all the things that have been stressful to you and you can make peace with yourself. Make peace now with the amazing person that you truly are on the inside. Nurture yourself with your loving thoughts – release any negative images or ideas about yourself. You have a choice in what you believe. Your mind is your greatest asset and your best tool. Now take in a deep breath, allow good feelings to fill up your heart and your mind…. peacefulness and calm are all around you. Open your eyes when you are ready and stretch fully. 释放出所有让你有压力的事情,你就能和自己和解。现在,和你真正在内心的那个棒极了的自己和解吧。用你爱的思想来养育你自己-释放任何关于你自己的负面形象或想法。你可以选择相信什么。你的思想是你最大的财富和最好的工具。现在深吸一口气,让美好的感觉充满你的心…平静就在你身边。当你准备好了,睁开眼睛,拉伸放松。 ▎主播介绍 DD:两个孩子的妈妈,喜欢广播和文字,Wechat“静听DD” 主播,制作:DD ▎节目首发,背景音乐,图文资料,更多推送 敬请关注Wechat:为你读英语美文,ID:readenglishforyou