情境资本TNS提出的关于”情境资本(Situational Equity)“的新概念。无论是品牌控还是英音控,这都是个好机会哦~从1:14秒,六太子和霍金斯开始勾兑哦~
Brands Situational Equity
Now let's talk about how brands can do better. Situational equity is a concept introduced first and only by TNS, which advises worldwide clients on specific growth strategies.
Situational equity is the measure of a brand's power in the mind in particular contexts, rises and falls. It is used to analyze the bigger fluctuations that consuming markets might see. Keeping this in mind may help marketers make the right decisions in different contexts.
For more, Luo Yu speaks with Rosie Hawkins, Global Head of Brand & Communications, TNS, leading custom market research agency in the world. Rosie wrote an article about situational equity and how it may influence Chinese consumer markets.