【环球锐评】Luca Silipo:欧盟210亿欧元“战略投资基金”怎么用?

【环球锐评】Luca Silipo:欧盟210亿欧元“战略投资基金”怎么用?

2014-12-02    12'22''

主播: 罗叔英语

39 4

Luca Silipo,法国投资银行Natixis亚太区首席经济学家 容克将推出一个新的3150亿欧元的基金计划,用于提升欧洲经济复苏。该计划将基于210亿欧元欧盟种子资金,通过金融手段吸收私募基金。 该计划暂命名为欧洲战略投资基金,这是容克本月上任以来提出的第一个倡议。 The European Commission has presented a new plan to boost private investment in the European Union. The key feature of the plan is a new 21-billion-euro fund to provide loans for infrastructure projects. European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. "The Fund will be able to mobilise 315 billion (euros) over the next three years. I have to remind you that this is the greatest effort in recent EU history to mobilise the EU budget to trigger additional investment, and without changing the rules." The proposal is set to be discussed by the leaders of the 28 EU member-countries at a summit next month. For more on this issue, our hosts John Artman and Xu Qinduo talk with: -Luca Silipo, Managing Director, Chief Economist for Asia Pacific