

2015-01-16    25'00''

主播: 罗叔英语

221 26

本期嘉宾:【霍德明】北京大学经济研究中心教授,中国国际广播电台财经观察员。 【黄益平】北京大学国家发展研究院教授、副院长。 任何意见请私信光芒君,or 添加微信louis_mn,or发送邮件至louie23@126.com哦~ Welcome to Biz Buzz, where we look at emerging trends in the Chinese business world. I&`&m Luo Yu in Beijing. In this week&`&s show we will talk about the World Bank cutting global economic outlook for 2015. We will also hear about Chinese publishers embracing digital transformation. And finally, we will discuss that China&`&s outbound direct investment is expected to shift to Japanese Model in 2015. That&`&s all coming up in this edition of Biz Buzz. World Bank cuts global economic outlook The World Bank has lowered its global growth forecast for 2015-2016 due to disappointing economic prospects. Ayhan Kose, Director of Development Prospects at World Bank Group. "Global growth was weaker than expected in 2014. It stayed broadly the same at about 2.6%, compared to growth in 2013. Underneath this broad number, we see divergence in activity across major advanced economies." Among emerging markets, Brazil and Russia in particular weighed on the bank&`&s global growth predictions as did China, in a managed slowdown. Ayhan Kose outlines the risks facing the world&`&s economy. "Risks to this fragile recovery are still substantial. Developing countries&`& central banks need to strike a balance between targeting growth and targeting inflation and financial stability. At the same time, fiscal policy can be a tool to stimulate their economies, in case of an economic downturn." The World Bank expects oil prices to stay low this year, but says this will take some time to feed into its growth outlook. For more on this, Zhao Yang speaks with Professor Huo Deming from the National School of Development at Peking University. --------------- According to the recent statistics, digital publishing in China has already become an industry worth of 254 billion yuan, or 41 billion US dollars. However, traditional publishing houses occupy less than 2.5 percent of the market share. Facing the gravity of the situation, what will these publishers do to turn the tables? Liu Min takes a closer look at the issue. -------------- China&`&s outbound direct investment or ODI is expected to shift to Japanese Model in 2015. Chinese low-end manufacturers may dominate the country&`&s outbound direct investment in 2015. According to Professor Huang Yiping, deputy dean of the National School of Development of Peking University, China&`&s ODI model may shift from seeking for resources and technologies to a relocation of capable industries, especially the low-end manufacturing industries. For more on China&`&s outbound investment in 2015, here is our reporter He Fei talking with Professor Huang Yiping.