【中国财经英文版】特斯拉在中国;Apple watch在中国

【中国财经英文版】特斯拉在中国;Apple watch在中国

2015-03-20    24'00''

主播: 罗叔英语

825 42

本期嘉宾: Jeff Liu (特斯拉大中华区Head of Delivery Experiences) Einar Tangen(前威斯康星州贸易委员会主席) Winston Wang (Shipstone Group总裁) 谈一谈特斯拉在中国的发展,以及电动汽车行业 明年可以自豪地说:我去年买了个表,苹果牌儿的 也谈一谈阿里巴巴的早期机构投资者本周三可以变现咯~ Welcome to Biz Buzz, where we look at emerging trends in the Chinese business world. I'm Luo Yu in Beijing. In this week's show we will talk about challenges and opportunities facing Tesla in China. And people in China are anxiously waiting for the release of the Apple watch. Finally, we will look at early Alibaba shareholders getting a chance to cash in. That's all coming up in this edition of Biz Buzz.